in GEMS3 years ago
Hello everyone at GEMS, I'm @emimoron today I want to share with you a reflection from my experience as a Bachelor of Arts with 18 years of professional career in the area of linguistics and neurolinguistics, what I am about to tell you is directly related to the power that words have in our existence. Many people go through life without measuring their words or taking care of the way in which they express themselves; this has nothing to do with the use of a refined vocabulary, very cultured or a colloquial one, not even with the use of good or bad words as our parents told us, because in linguistics there are no good or bad words, there are words that psychologically mark us positively or negatively.


There are those who do not even stop to value the phrases with which they express themselves or others, because I tell you my friends, if someone tells you that he said something without thinking about it, he is deceiving you, everything absolutely everything we say goes through the filter of our mind, a famous linguist Ferdinand De Saussure, considered the father of modern linguistics, said that our thought is an amorphous mass and it is the language that gives it shape and through which we externalize everything we carry inside; remembering that in this sense we can speak of communication through the signs and symbols that make up sign language as well as in its oral and written manifestation.



But what concerns us in this opportunity and what I have called the center of this article has to do with the way in which we daily express ourselves or other people and even the way in which we allow ourselves to be spoken to. If from the beginning of our day we start with negative phrases such as:



"Today will be a bad day because it dawned cloudy".
"I don't feel like doing anything".
"I'm not good at doing these things."
"I don't have what it takes to do this job".
"I'm mediocre, ugly, fat, small, no joke..." and stop counting.
"I'm so ugly" "I'm so fat and nothing looks good on me".
"I look like a real mess".
"How sad my life is."
"I'm never going to find my ideal partner".
"I'll never make it out of this situation".
"I'll never make it out of poverty."
"My life has no meaning".



And my dear readers I am sure that the list is very long and that both you and I will have your own list of phrases that by repeating them over and over again end up creating a huge weight that takes us face down to the ground, because since childhood we have encountered people that the only thing they knew were the words with the power to hurt us, it is not about being realistic, because I am sure some will think of those phrases and say "but if it is the truth should I make it up? Well, let me tell you that by speaking negatively no one has become stronger, on the contrary, they have only managed to anchor our fears and frustrations in the deepest part of our mind. It has nothing to do with being realistic, because you can tell someone, even yourself the way things are from kindness and with the use of positive reinforcement.



Studies in neuro-linguistic programming have proven that if from a very young age we tell children "you can't do this or that" they will fix it in their mind with a negative order that over the years will be reinforced, Of course, adults are aware of what a child can process according to his age and the information that is transmitted to him, but for example cases where children are told "you can not walk just because you are too small" and we continue in that tone until we realize that the child has taken twice as long as others to walk and we do not know why? , It is because the orders you send to his new brain are with a NO at the beginning, that sentence in a positive way would be "You are going to walk alone, but while you do it I will take you by the hand".



Changing our way of speaking and addressing everyone, including ourselves, is a process of transformation that will benefit us, because, from the positive, we are building a society that is capable of respecting differences, of engaging in dialogues and conversations where there is no reason to insult or humiliate others through words. The psychological and sentimental mark that words leave in people's lives are indelible traces that can cause even the destruction of the being.

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