Luna amarilla / yellow moon

in GEMS4 years ago
Saludos amigos. La luna siempre ha sido un deleite para nuestros ojos, nuestro único satélite siempre nos ha fascinado, ha inspirado poesía y también mitos. Y aunque, por lo general este cuerpo celeste se nos presenta con su característico blanco brillante, a veces nos sorprende con luciendo enorme y amarilla o incluso rojiza.

Greetings, friends. The moon has always been a delight for our eyes, our only satellite has always fascinated us, inspired poetry and also myths. And although, usually this celestial body appears to us with its characteristic bright white, sometimes it surprises us with looking huge and yellow or even reddish.

Particualmermente anoche no me esperaba verla con su color amarillo, suelo verla de este color en su fase de luna llena, y ayer, vista desde mi hogar, se encontraba ya hacia su cuarto menguante.

Particularly last night I did not expect to see her with her yellow colour, I usually see her in this colour in her full moon phase, and yesterday, seen from my home, she was already towards her last quarter.


Como sabemos, la luna no emite luz naturalmente, por lo que no vemos su color real, vemos la luz del sol que se refleja sobre ella, esa luz tamizada por los gases y partículas que conforman nuestra atmosfera se dispersa permitiéndonos observar estos colores en la luna. Quizás como tuvimos hace pocos días luna llena, conjugado con factores ambientales, se nos presento de esta forma, por lo que creo que sali al patio en buen momento para apreciarlo.

As we know, the moon does not naturally emit light, so we do not see its real color, we see the light of the sun that is reflected on it, that light sifted by the gases and particles that make up our atmosphere is dispersed allowing us to observe these colors on the moon. Perhaps as we had a full moon a few days ago, combined with environmental factors, it was presented to us in this way, so I think I went out into the yard at a good time to appreciate it.

Y bueno, fui por mi camara para tratar de retratar el momento. Como ya he comentado antes no soy fotografo profesional, pero ya he intentado en otras oportunidades fotografiar la luna, y sé que no es tan facíl captar este cuerpo brillante en un firmamente oscuro, pero creo que hice un buen intento anoche.

And, well, I went to get my camera to try and capture the moment. As I said before, I'm not a professional photographer, but I've tried in other opportunities to photograph the moon, and I know that it's not so easy to capture this bright body in a firmly dark one, but I think I made a good attempt last night.


Jugando un poco con un ISO bajo y una velocidad de obturación no muy rápida creo que este ha sido mi mejor resultado.

Playing a little with a low ISO and not very fast shutter speed I think this has been my best result.

Fujifiml finepix 4500S | ISO 100 | f/3,5 | 1/100

Bueno amigos, como vemos la luna es una gran pizarra gris que no tiene luz propia, pero con la luz que le presta el sol, sale a darnos inspiración o guiar nuestro camino en la oscuridad de la noche.

Well friends, as we see the moon is a big gray board that has no light of its own, but with the light provided by the sun, it comes out to give us inspiration or guide our way in the darkness of the night.

Gracias por pasar a leer, espero les hayan gustado las imagenes. ¡Hasta la próxima!

Thanks for coming by to read, I hope you liked the pictures. See you next time!

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