SECRETS!: Hunt or be Hunted?

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

"There is nothing as misguiding as man's gullibility and ability to kid himself that he has something he wants to hold so dear to him yet, seeks out someone who will hold that thing as he does."- 😊

Secrets are scams 98% of the time and it works so well as a scam because, the world has a fascination for what isn't real but comes flowing with a promise of the unimaginable primed along the deeper parts of our innate desires.


There is no truth in the term, Secrets to living a healthy life" or "Secrets to becoming wealthy" or "the secrets of the billionaire businessman." It is all a scam designed to make you stay faithful and/or loyal to something or someone.

What is Secret?

Secrets is "something that is kept or meant to be 'kept unknown or unseen' by others."
Keywords being, 'unknown or unseen from others'.
"When you hold a secret, you become the hunter and when someone knows a secret about you, you become the hunted.

In some settings, individuals are forced to swear to take an oath of silence. They are forced to live with something that no one other than themselves should ever hear or know about.

In the case of a man seeking to get better in life, he pays so much with his money, sweat, time and blood to learn about someone else's secrets with a hope to finding his
How then can you equate what you don't want anyone to see or know to become something they can buy in a book?"

Man cannot keep a secret, hence there is nothing like a secret. If you tell someone what ultimately is your secret, he becomes restless and with every pulse and breath he takes, he silently and stylishly reveals that secret to the world.

Putting a Secret in a book?

Quite often, you will see or may have seen a/some books with the title, "Secrets o Success", or "Secrets to Good Health", or "Secrets to Wealth," or "Secrets to Public speaking." Yes, you have!

Well, there goes that thing that should have been a secret turning into a monetization tool.
If it is out of the bag, then it cannot remain "a cat in the bag sentence,"

There is no bigger secret than the one that you have no idea exists. You cannot know something no one knows about, because for you to know about it, someone must have passed it down.

Secrets in the era of monetization.

The public speakers, geniuses, successful entrepreneurs, celebrities, masters of industries etc all have taken it upon themselves to sell their secrets and allow the world see what they want the world to see.

As far as being human goes, there is no secret that is worth the grief of dying or getting unnecessarily worked up about.

I have always been fascinated about the story of Coca-cola and the pharmacists who concocted the recipe that is Coke but sold it so cheaply because he didn't believe in himself.

Fyi: Coca cola has a secret recipe that has been unsuccessfully copied or sorted out for years.

For years, the secret that is this company's winning edged as been debated and wished for but never had.

It is a secret but known to a select few and as the years thin out, it is passed down to someone new whose duty will be to pass it down to someone new as well.

If you know it, then it is no longer a secret.

Relationships are the brutal happenstance.

The number one killer and spoiler of relationships is SECRETS. It has a forked hooked tentacle that sinks deep into a person and makes them become a demonic version of their saintly selves.
They scam their partners with what they know they will never reveal and for as long as they can try, they hold on until it all comes down crumbling like a pack of cards.

Secret is akin to a pack of card with every card representing a part of the secret and when it all comes to roost, one of the cards takes a walk and sends the entire pack crumbling.

Is Secret Santa really secret?

There is never a time in the world where anything is secret. I love the Secret Santa part but it is never a secret when someone tells you they will be your secret or are bringing a secret to you.

We get really excited talking about "our" Secret Santa and we do whatever we can to protect their identity until it becomes what everyone knows about.

"The real SECRETS are not the things we think we know that no one else should know about, but those things that we know nothing about."

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Gif source.

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