Trying Tokyo Shoyu Ramen for the first time

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


Hello, friends especially foodies!

Yesterday i accompanied mom to buy groceries in the nearest supermarket, there i saw an instant japanese ramen which was imported and we never tried before, as you could see below it was 26,900 IDR or around 1.8 USD, expensive for instant noodle cause it was 10 times of local instant noodle.


So this morning, cause wanted try the flavour, i had it for the breakfast. Wanna have it cause now we still cannot dine in here in Jakarta, some food would be less delicious when it is delivered :' sooo to make me feel better, tried to make it at home.

Here how it looks like


And on the back you could see how to cook it, quite easy, like another instant noodle: put noodle and garnish in boiling water, put the oil and seasoning powder on your bowl. Cook it for 4 minutes then it would be ready.


Look how when it is finished.


Hmmh it smelled so good. Wow, the garnish also contained cuts of small narutoyaki besides the chinese leek. Now i would like to share the flavour, it tasted savory and a bit sweet. The noodle was savory and had a bit chewy texture. As you could see, a bit brown colour come from the flavour of shoyu (soy sauce) they made in the seasoning powder. So delicious! おいしい!

You could also try the same instant noodle while you stay at home and going nowhere but still tempting for ramen, it's really worth the price!

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