Tastiest All You Can Eat Japanese Shabu-shabu and more!

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)


Hello, friends especially foodies!
Yesterday i took mom to have our lunch at one of the most popular tasty Japanese Shabu-shabu restaurant which had branches in some of good malls in Jakarta. Yesterday we had our lunch in their branch which was located on 3A floor West Mall, Grand Indonesia Shopping Center - Central Jakarta.

The Outlook

Here how the restaurant looked from the outside


You could see that this restaurant had a large area here.

When we came there at around 11.30 the sign was still closed so mom asked a waitress, and she said it was already opened then she turn the sign to open.

The Menu


Some of the choices of soup they had and also the regular shabu-shabu package. The different with the more expensive package was only the choices of the beef we could choose, includes the imported beef. Psst, here the local beef was also tasty and had lower fat than the imported ones...

The Dining Area

The restaurant had a large dining area, clean, neat and comfy, which when we came didn't have too many customers. But, when we were there, soooo many came, and luckily we were almost finished that time.

When we came


Later when we had our lunch, look at those customers.


Here you need to always pay attention on the time you come or you would be on the waiting list.

The All You Can Eat (AYCE) Buffet

In order to take all the things in the buffet, you needed to take the plastic handgloves at the front of the left buffet. Pay attention on the in and out area here.


Right buffet had varieties of vegetables, udon, noodle, meatballs, mushrooms, tofu, chicken, fish, etc. All were raw, you needed to cook it before you could enjoy it. And on the back of this buffet they had okonomiyaki, udon carbonara, japanese tofu, and steamed chicken egg.


Left buffet served all ready to eat food. They had choices of fried snacks such as mushroom, corn, chicken. Their back had a choice of rice and on the center was gyudon. Here their gyudon is a must try, so tasty and uncomparable.The best you could get! At this same buffet you could also find choices of fruits, cakes and pudding as dessert. They had 3 kind of pudding and 3 kind of cakes you could choose. At the same buffet you could also choose the sauce and also some chilli or even leaves that you might want to use in order to make your shabu shabu tastier.

Choices of beverages was on the back. They had some sodas, ocha, lychee, orange, hot ocha or even coffee at this buffet.


In front of the food buffets, there was an ice cream case and also some choices of tea if you want to make your own peach, lychee or even berry tea. They had a sort of selection you could choose.


The buffet here was the most complete one i ever seen!!!

Our Lunch


Both of us chose their special original konbu soup. It had the savory and authentic flavour. We loved it much.







What we had yesterday was really much beef. We had 12 plates of sliced beef (non fat and with fat). Their sliced beef was soft and delicious. Besides the beef we also ate some vegetables (our favorite letucce, leaks), mushroom, fishballs, meatballs, tofu. All the ingredients were so fresh and high quality. Tofu was smooth and not sour. Fishballs were fresh and sweet while meatballs were fresh and savory. Soooo delicious!

We also had some fried snacks like french fries, chicken karaage, corn fritters, fried chicken wing. French fries was light savory, while chicken were savory and the corn fritters had savory sweet flavour. Also i took their sweet potato which had sweet flavour.

Almost forget to tell you that mom asked me to bring her the sauce with sesame seed which had light savory flavour.

And you also had to try their perfect gyudon which had the savory and sweet flavour. It had a perfect flavour which i never found in another place. The sliced beef were soft and cooked with onion, so perfect!

The drink we had were orange and also lychee. The orange had sweet savory flavour while lychee had sweet flavour.

Don't forget to try all of the desserts they had. Sort of fruits. They had three kind of puddings, chocolate, caramel and orange. All of it had sweet flavours. They also had three kind of cakes, ocha flavour, lemon flavour and choco brownies. I also took one of their strawberry ice cream, sweet!

The Service


All i needed to do when we wanted to have some extra beef sliced plates was scanning the barcode of our bill and then they would came with the beef only around 5-10 minutes after we had ordered. The waiters were also nice and friendly. Perfect service!

The Price


We paid 355,630 IDR or around 25 USD for our lunch, mom had the cheaper price cause she was senior. The price was fair cause we had a perfect tasty AYCE lunch.

Look at mom she was so happy yesterday with our lunch so i think the price doesn't matter


So wanna try our tastiest AYCE japanese shabu-shabu buffet here too?
3A floor West Mall
Grand Indonesia Shopping Center
Central Jakarta
open daily 11am-9pm

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