What if it is Several YEARS Before We Get Past Covid-19?

in GEMS4 years ago

In some parts of the world, tentative attempts are being made at returning countries to some version of "normalcy," or whatever you might call the post-Covid world.

Back in my native Denmark, they have "flattened the curve" substantially, and the number of "recovered" cases is much greater than the number of new cases, on a daily basis. Meaning that the number of active cases is declining, from day to day.


We should be grateful for that, I suppose. Here in the US, it's a different story. In our little upper-left corner of the country things a re slowly getting better... but most other places are a mess, especially larger cities.

A post-Covid world...

But that's the problem, isn't it?

We're not living in a Post-Covid world. We are living in a "present-Covid" world. And — as far as I can tell — we really aren't any closer to a cure, or a preventive vaccine.

We don't even know very much about this thing, other than it can be eradicated with heat, alcohol and various disinfectants.

Assuming this thing actually is real in some form (allowing for the fact that some conspiracy theorists believe it is just all a hoax), the "normal" we're returning to is still one of life being sort of dangerous, out there.


Some reports I've read suggest that we should expect to live with some form of "social distancing" until the end of 2021. That's still a ways off, and effectively would mean two years of taking precautions for this virus.

The world will be a different place, by then. The economic scenario will be very different. One thing I do see happening is an extra push towards automation, meaning that many of those jobs lost this year, won't even exist by the end of 2021.

I like to think that perhaps the entire decline in the size of the world economy might be a positive, in the sense that people will rethink what they believe they need, as compared to what they really need.

Call me an idealist, but perhaps some of the pervasive sense of entitlement will be replaced with a little humility; a little gratitude.

That would be nice, wouldn't it?


In the meantime, thanks for reading and stay safe out there!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for this platform.)
Created at 20200422 11:28 PDT


Conspiracy theorists do not think it is a hoax, but we know we are being lied to about WHY all these people are sick and dying. It is not a virus (that's the hoax part), and you and I are not the source and transmitter of the poison. This malarky will continue for as long as most of us remain in the hypnotic state of believing anything that the CDC, the UN, or most especially the WHO, tells us.

The "lies" that make the most sense to me is that many multiples of people compared to what is being reported actually have/have had this thing, and the actual mortality rates relative to total cases are on the order of 3-10% of what's being reported... it's not nearly as deadly as being reported. For some — undisclosed, obviously — reason, a fairly run-of-the-mill but quite infectious virus is being massively overhyped to keep us all locked in our homes. Why?

Why? Because no government is willing to sign off on the natural selection the virus could cause among the elder generation and immuno-compromised ones.

The mortality rate of 3-10% is actually because many places still focus on testing those with severe symptoms only. Countries like the Philippines and Indonesia have combined not even tested 100k people so far, despite a combined population almost as large as the USA. Many places, cities and countries, are also reporting higher death rates than normal, even AFTER deduction of infected casualties. In sub-Sahara Africa there probably not even 5K ICU beds, let alone any testing capacity in certified level-4 labs. They still need to be built first in many countries. Because countries with higher poverty also tend to have higher rates of pneumonia, it is doubtful many of those countries will ever be in a position to engage in post-mortem testing to find causation.

This is going to be with us for a long time, indeed. That mostly because many countries are expecting totally different peak times, some still months away, leading to almost inevitable continued border closures to travel until the virus is better understood and actual medical counter measures become more common. A vaccine is still an eternity away due to the complexities of any new vaccine reaching approval.

Many more people infected than reported? That is an obvious condition to make the claim that the mortality rate is much lower than when benchmarked against the confirmed cases (in many places). Which is actually a positive because as soon as a decent level of accurate antibody testing is reached it may open new treatment opportunities with blood plasma.

Is covid-19 truly lethal? No, it is already known that while covid-19 has a rather sophisticated attack approach, it is not as aggressive as initially feared and mutates slower than a solid influenza virus, allowing the body more time to create antibodies. Its strength seems to be in its virality mostly.

When I make statements like the one I made on @denmarkguy's post, I brace myself for attack from the hypnotized masses. I am so happy to hear that both of you are trying to tease the truth from the lies. I'm getting exhausted pointing out that what we hear from main stream media is all lies. Thanks for being among those of us who will turn this around for the better, and for speaking out.

So yeah, Why we are being given false information via hypnotic methods, and who will benefit? We know Big Pharma is involved, Bill Gates must be a high priest of their religion (along with Tedros), Fauci, Birx, Gaga and Madonna are powerful initiates, and we must stop them before they murder billions of us with the vaccine that most of us will be begging them for, and many of us already are begging them for. I liken lining up for that vaccine to walking willingly into gas chambers, which does not make me any friends.

I'm out there, I know. This comes from spending hours of every single day trying to find out what is truly going on here. We are in grave danger, and it ain't from a stinking virus.

I'd rather be culled by nature than by Big Pharma.

My own questioning tends to follow the paths of why and exploring the basic motivations of people playing games with the masses. What do they care about? What do they want?

I have always struggled with governments/powerful people "wanting to kill us all" because "us all" the the fuel that makes their lives possible in the first place. So "killing us all" is akin to being on an airplane and throwing a handful of ball bearings into the engines, just for shits and grins to see what will happen. What will happen is that the plane will crash and everybody DIES, and now you have no means to GO anywhere... they didn't get to being where they are by being THAT stupid, so it has to be something else.

Follow the money always seems to be the wisest choice. Who's going to profit from a mass extinction, aside from undertakers and incineration plants?

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