We should save nature for our own survival - My tree Tuesday thoughts

in GEMS4 years ago
Hello Friends,

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree." ― Martin Luther

I really like the above words. As far as I understand an apple tree has been used metaphorically here. Basically, the writer emphasised here is on planting trees. It can be any tree other than the apple tree. Nature has protected us like a mother. On the other hand, we are constantly destroying that nature. This is not good news at all for our survival.


I live in a beautiful country adorned with this natural beauty. We have a big forest called Sundarbans. The Sundarbans is a big part of our natural beauty. The Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world. An unscrupulous clique is cutting trees and destroying this Sundarbans. So the Sundarbans cannot protect us from various storms like before. This is a real example of the fact that we are in danger because of the destruction of nature.


However, I can't go out much because of the continuous lockdown in my country. So I have selected few pictures of my village which I captured few months back. In today's post I will share some of those pictures.



The place I took the pictures from is one of my favorite places. I spent many sweet times of my childhood here. It is a huge place and there are many trees around it. I don't know exactly who planted the trees, but the trees are still the same as before.


There are different types of trees here. There are several fruit trees as well as commercial trees. Mango is a very popular fruit in our country. I saw several mango trees there. The mango trees have innumerable flower buds. Mango must have grown in those trees now.



At that time, winter has ended and summer has just begun. On the street I saw several fallen leaves. It was nice to see the fallen leaves.



The way we are destroying these beautiful trees, one day we may not have any trees to take our oxygen. Before that day comes we should stop cutting down trees and planting more and more trees. Then our nature will live and at the same time we will live.

I have used my iPhone 11 Pro Max mobile phone to capture these pictures. I took few pictures from my video which I captured there.


Stay safe and healthy.

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