Why I Want To Eat Kimchi

in GEMS4 years ago

My Order "Kimchi"





I ordered this Kimchi from the Facebook marketplace, I learned that if you are searching from a product there the Facebook marketplace will give you some sellers within your area until you go further and further if you scroll down. You can also specify how far the search would be from your distance. That is how I saw this product where I just decided to buy because the seller followed-up some questions from me with my inquiry.

They say that every Kimchi is different depending on who makes it, so there are really googles of variants for Kimchi so for that reason I am also not sure how this product would taste if I would like it or not because for one thing I liked the fermented ones already rather than the freshly made which doesn't have much probiotics yet.

This product seems soupy for me and is freshly made. Well I like some soucey Kimchi but not if they just filled-it up with mostly Kimchi juice.

The other thing is that this seems to be chopped rather relatively finely than the chunky ones where it is a mouthful a piece when you take one piece and eat it.

Then the factor of taste, does it have the distinct taste that I am longing for or does it lack the strong chili flavor? All of those really will define how I will or will not like this product.

My Reason For Wanting Kimchi

Kimchi is is a fermented Napa cabbage along with leeks, radish, onion, garlic, ginger, cooked powdered sticky rice, hot chili powder, salted shrimps, salt and othe ingredients that I do not know of.

My reason for buying this is that it is a source of good bacteria for me since I am in medication for Tuberculosis and now Pneumonia and as for my TB the medication might last for another four months so I just needed an everyday source of probiotics coming a natural fod source like Kimchi even though I can drink Yakult and get the same effects I also needed the fiber from eating it.

Also I am using Calcium to support my bones and it causes constipation. Kimchi then is one solution for it because it is a good source of fiber and nutrients.

It also gives me some additional appetite because it is spicy and has some ginger plus the crunchiness adds a delight in every much and bite.

The Taste Test



Upon getting home from my dialysis I just waited a few more minutes before I would eat. Actually I am not hungry yet because of the kind of the quality of dialysis I am getting because I crashed my blood pressure again so the nurses have to mitigate, basically lowering down the speed of the blood pump and not being able to take enough fluids in my system.

Normally I would get hungry after dialysis but this time due to the previous sessions that I am getting I am not getting hungry after dialysis.

I just agreed to my mother when she asked me if I would eat already because I do not want to disturb her sleep schedule. I just ate my meal anyway and tried the Kimchi if it tastes good or bad.

My Verdict

Unfortunately I didn't liked the Kimchi that I bought, it smelled fresh and not fermented although it has a sour taste which is I am not sure if they put vinegar in it our not just to make it sour.

It comes in smaller pieces compared to the Kimchi that my sister-in-law had brought here a few days ago for her extended job promotion celebration. Plus this product has more stems of the the Napa cabbage than its leaves.

It also has a very mild chili flavor that even a youngling can eat not to mention its soupiness. So I decided not to buy from that online seller anymore even though I know that Kimchi is different from whoever makes it but I just told the seller that I liked a fermented and very spicy Kimchi but I wasn't able to get that.

This Kimchi by the way can be eaten by my mother because it is not that spicy, very but better than nothing. I will check to see if it would form bubbles which means that it is fermenting but if it does not then the sourness is coming from vinegar.


김치 건강에 좋아유~! 💙

김치 is goooooood for health ! 💙

always take good care ! 💙💙💙

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