Poetry ✏️ | Purified

in GEMS3 years ago

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I love wearing black clothes
With the images of dark objects
I walk through the lonely bush
Filled rust leaves and dirty mud.

The aroma of white dust flowing in the bush
I walk to the center slowly and steady.
Raining dripping down from the sky
My face is soaked with rain as I look up to the sky.
I say to myself, should I continue upon this ground?

I feel blood flowing through my veins,
Forcing itself out from my skin.
Matching through the dirty weather,
Should I continue this walk?

I got myself weak
As I sink in this thoughts.
I am filled with dark desires.
Finding it difficult to shout and impossible to scream out.

I am broken from inside out.
I am having the feeling my body is purifying
I walk on my knees with speed.

My hands in the mud
Pulling myself from the darkness
My black clothes now turned into white,
Shining so bright.

I stood up again and weep bitterly,
As I look up to the sky.
For once I felt whole again.
My body and soul so pure.

I walk forward, feeling free with happiness.
My desires are now abloom.
Now my tears are beautiful,
No more fear and anxiety.

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