The Circus Is Escalating Out Of Control

in GEMS4 years ago


This is not a Government food handout, but a private charity. People are desperate and are starving.

The truth will come out eventually why the South African Government has become so harsh in it's lock down rules and regulations. I agree a lock down period was required to formulate a plan what they were going to do and get prepared but this is totally ridiculous now.

We have all known for years that the country was flooded with "illegal" immigrants who had false papers. One person I worked with had a South African passport yet he was Zimbabwean and he was given the name he was living under at the time by a corrupt Government Official. All he had to do was become a loyal government supporter and an extra voter for elections. He is one of what many think is millions of "ghost" supporters.

Most of the poor are not afraid of the virus, but more afraid of dying from starvation. This is a reality check that is making so many people desperate right now. The government grants of R350 per month will possibly last you 2 weeks living off scraps. On a currency conversion rate that is less than $20 for an entire month. The food parcels that are being handed out have become so depleted by corrupt handling and theft that what is left is more like a snack.

Police car having it's boot filled with food parcels.

I think people have just got so used to seeing this type of behavior as nothing happens even if it is reported.

The official food parcel with appropriate numbers. I have seen many reports of people receiving only a fraction of this.

The situation has got so bad now that charities refuse to let the government distribute the parcels as they are being stolen by the officials. How bad do you have to be to steal and benefit from something destined for the poor.Unfortunately these individuals will stay in power as they use force to shut everyone up. The officials hold the power and wield the stick and nothing will ever change. I don't know if any of you remember Live Aid many years ago when the rest of the world sent food to Ethiopia to prevent starvation. A high percentage of the food aid never made it to it's destination and was found in other countries.
Drunk and caught at a road block with food parcels in the boot.


ANC Party tags driving an expensive car thinking they are above the law which they probably are if we are honest with ourselves.

You start to wonder why the lock down has been on for 5 weeks already and now in it's sixth week as who is benefiting from this. The country is slipping further and further into financial trouble and the poor are the ones who will suffer the most as they always do. I honestly don't know what to think anymore as if you can be this cruel towards your own people what kind of monster are you.

You may think then what about food vouchers as surely that would stop the rot. It wont as they will steal those and find a way of making money out of that as well.

The real updates are not on the Government twitter feeds, but more like this one which is entertaining and shocking if you are not used to this sort of behavior.Here is the link if anyone is interested.
#RIOT & ATTACK info South Africa

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