My biggest steem mistake !

in GEMS5 years ago


I always try to give tips to steemians to grow and improve. I already gave a lot of tips and I like the most visited post I wrote one day : The best steemit tips for my dear followers and all steemit users !.

So, even without growing my steem power because I had to withdraw money for living, I did my best with my reputation and it's now 76. I'm even among 100 most reputed steemians.

Besides all the tips given by me, I was always telling people to not mention anyone if they talk about their emotions, especially in a negative way. Even for being supportive to the right side, I lost a lot of support because I was very honest about everything and I didn't just pick a side blindly.

So, before all steem drama happened, I was always using metaphores to talk about things. I wasn't mentioning people I don't like directly ! That helped me a lot to save my reputation and to not hurt anyone's feelings.

Recently I'm not active in both chains just because I use to this month to mention names and freely talk about everyone because I let my emotions go. Maybe it's nice to do that once in a year or two to feel better.

But, now I will comeback to my metaphoric mode. And I will be active again.

So, if you don't want to lose followers and support, in case you want to talk about someone you dislike, just don't mention him/her. That's the best way to avoid ignorance by your supporters.

That way I can even add some humor to this and tell you : ''You know who I'm talking about !" lol

I even created a new folder on my pc and called it ''Old me'' and added all the folders there that are related with creating content and created a new folder and name it ''New me''. ☺


You can follow me in all these social media and let me know in the comments, how can I find you to follow :

Facebook group , Twitter, Quora, Reddit, Youtube, Instagram, TikTok , Medium, lbry , Uptrennd.

I'm also the founder of @dcooperation , the community where we collaborate. You're welcome to join us in our discord server.

Here is the community, you can subscribe and post in it :


I would rather be honest and not care about my reputation. Ned sold us down the river and Justin has done things I can't forget. So I'm powering down and moving to Hive.

Good for you.

Hi @clixmoney

2 posts a day is good, more is difficult to follow :)
Thank you for your support in the community, appreciate it

Yeah, maybe 2 is enough. I will keep my support since there are here people like you and others who knows enough about steem to stay here. ☺

I like what @surpassinggoogle said about this :

cos it has history and much significance to me.

The full comment is here :

We've spend enough time proting it, to just give up on it like others did.

I have already read that comment and given the comment full upvote also the post I have given full upvote. @surpassinggoogle also has my full support as a witness.
I totally agree that we have to fight for what we have been building for 4 years

I thought you said you wanted to take a break? That was a short one. You really need a break and see how things pan out. A day isn't enough.

I can watch and create at the same time. I'm creating way less anyway. I was creating up to 5 posts a day and now I create maximum 2 a day. That's a kind of break as well.

We also learn from our mistakes. We have to take a break and see what happens. A hug to the Old You and the New You

For sure learning from mistakes is good. Sometimes the break can be taken to learn about both sides and decide after what to do. We can just read, maybe even comment and that way we can learn about people and choose the better place for us. ☺

Hahaha exactly that. I had many reasons for coming out with a witness with surpassinggoogle and this is one of them. For the first time, I want to talk a bit. I never talked but I can see. Now it is time to. I also learn and build, so don’t stop. I knew attacks will come but I am okay with that, to go past it once and for all. That day, 4 of my posts where downvoted and several to 0 but many of these things we do, is bigger than steem or hive or blockchain, it is for the world at large. The issues was never steem or hive, it is a world thing. What is happening is people replaying paradigms popular in the real world on blockchain all over, making negligible altogether for what blockchain can accomplish. With this all blockchain at large will fade and become an ordinary tech except we continue and emanate beautiful even on unheardof paradigms making use of the beauty of blockchain and blockchain is a very beautiful tool but it is a tool for the most part not an outright solution-bringer or small god to where we sit down and just press buttons and the flawless code, fixes everything. We suddenly can’t relate as humans or fix issues in dialogue cos oh there is an easy downvote button or are suddenly governors and upholder of morals cos oh that is a coded button that allows to simply vote. So in my case I just keep building and even where I can’t bring them to life fast, I apply steem also to learning and keep evolving the models for this projects and well the target is each human and the world at large and blockchain one other vehicle. It is like real life my actions on here. I won’t go question how much you have in your pocket in real life to relate with you. I won’t just disrespect you in real life cos I know of spirituality, I know I can be slapped, I know I can wreck your dreams or drive to live with a bashing at certain times etc the world I live in don’t work like that. I want to apply my human, evolve these virtues even when there are buttons. Yes there is 911 doesn’t mean I should call each time mosquito bites me cos I am suspecting the neighbor. Yes in life I won’t take a hammer and use it on an ant, isn’t that punishment too big. People may say oh spam is bad for instance, then as a punishment they wreck the persons post, leaving say 400 comments with gifs of poops; which is worse of then? Then go all out and say oh the person spam. Yes steem is a public ledger, one of its paradigms but doesn’t also have an anonymity paradigm? Can one want to be on steem just to have a wallet for instance and not want to play a part in governance and simply want to stay private or anonymous? So why do suddenly people become so entitled to expect everyone to explain their actions. If code was so flawless and could capture the context for each action, then why do you expect people to explain themselves showing that code is weak on its own and if it is weak, how can you use it a predictive tool to predict intention of people simple Boolean action with a sole aim of governing it? That very much limits what blockchain can do. What is a vote really, when it is a simple of and on action and if for instance I vote, can’t it also be that I just went there to have leisure and play with buttons? When we can have all the context, how can you outright govern people. Because one is here for money for instance, should I suddenly assume that each is here for money or oh you are from Indonesia or from Philippines, you just want to spam and take the reward pool. Was I not here for instance when my account value got to 300k usd and never powered down and note that I didn’t have a dime now or then. Among other things, steem constituted cctv into the truest state of the world. A utmostly beautiful tool and am I not from the last Philippines, one who says money is the smaller things. But people carry those notions they are familiar with about life and play it out on blockchain and want it to apply to everyone. Isn’t that one reason stirring the creation of blockchain, people not wanting to be governed. When someone even in these corona times simply can’t take a break and want to come sit on me and say oh you are nothing and say oh it is simply about rewards for him, would he know that he can crush someone entirely or disrespect someone. Would he know that humans are unordinary and perhaps deep in their spirit and be here to gather where fellow humans are cos humans are unordinary and together powerful. Why did I join steem? How did I find steem? Is it coincidence that I found steem for instance organically via the search engines and met you for instance and the many others and was able to build dreams etc that who knows may impact the world at large. Do we really know where all these is headed? And well do many know of these dynamics and of these dynamics being obtainable in certain worlds and if you didn’t know of these things, can you build a code that is fixed and capable of catering or governing all? Now if you can’t, do you extremely bash others who want to try their own ways of evolving blockchain. Isn’t blockchain mostly experimental till now? And oh moves, is moves that easy? It is easy for you, may it be that easy for me who struggled to build say 4 dapps and don’t even know how to start with a move or who don’t have a dime or who is taking care of a dad who is ill and me who I am ill. Now when you have seen many things, many things become ordinary. We blame the blockchain too much when in reality, it is humans who need to evolve. Learn to live together in harmony even with flaws. Use the blockchain to adjust mentality playing an entire curriculum out to where people of their own volition start to inculcate new ways and start to become true fans? Or does it have to be force and expected to happen outright through code cos oh it is a button and we can just fork. What was one route when downvote came about. Yes there is an easy button to use but should I be bashed for wanting to apply my human some more and apply the beauty of blockchain some more and then I started #untalented first then ended up creating #ulog and was it known that I was bashed constantly with anonymous accounts and people challenging me nonstop with these contents saying putrightly that these people are spammer cos oh they are from India? Are we going to replay all that on blockchain then what is blockchain then? And when blockchain now is about competition oh EOS is bad, eth is bad etc how can we enter blockchain into the mainstream. There are many deep reasons for why I am still here. All along I have seen the issues and it was never steem or hive. Where we don’t evolve, same things will happen everywhere, so why do I have to keep moving instead of focus on building. Wasn’t I building before steem? Didn’t surpassinggoogle start before I ever found steem? So why stop surpassinggoogle now cos of a steem and hive issue? Why should I sway now. It is about humans for me and humans are on both place and however small that i can reach humans I will. I am on Facebook too, twitter to reach the world and well surpassinggoogle it is. I don’t forget all someone good cos of one other action. Oh so cos you voted a certain witness, I should suddenly forget all the other nice things. That isn’t my own style. Even of the so-called nonsense when one sifts of it, there is sense therein and in the face of the notsogood, I can find testimonial use for good. I for one, I am not on steem or hive to govern people so conclusively cos who am I, am I a saint? And well don’t people change? Aren’t they tired? Are they fixed or robots. Yes, you used to govern people for instance for decades, isn’t it tiresome, can you try something new at times or have a break? Now you got say new 1 million additional hive to your 1 million steem, isn’t that enough for a 1 month break at least? Go celebrate or something and take a break at least than sit on steem again and continue bashing. Even if I end up wanting to move, Will I just move, won’t I weigh matters over time. And I am just so moveable, what does it say about focus or direction. Someone can just sit down, create stimuli or news stunt with predictable knowledge that oh they will move again. Has that changed? When we are so easy to move does it say much? It didn’t even take one month and we moved away from something that used to be home. And speaking of steem why suddenly hate on steem and bash it. Can I ever bash steem really? Steem that regardless spark many dreams? Isn’t hive sparked by steem? Isn’t all the code and a steem experiment, learnt from steem hassle? Isn’t many of the dapps sparked by the existence of steem? At the very least didn’t steem start the first ever successful social media based blockchain? Was it even ever known that it is possible? Didn’t it spark most of the dapps and all and the scalability issues that eos, whaleshares faces now, didn’t steem stick around to fix it at least? And the communities and Smt code, that could spark many many many more dreams for generations, didnt steem spark it at least? Most steem spoon feed us forever and oh the so-called premined steem hasn’t that played its role already? Most I now wait on steem or use the premined steem to develop me or don’t I go ahead and keep building as steem has showed the way? Or when ned got threatened and powered down leading to my loss of delegation, didn’t go on building and built ulogs site and macrohard and teardrops model simce then. Did I say oh no steem must delegate to me forever and stop and run. Or my witness steemgigs that is now on hive, didn’t I run it even when for a year it didn’t get enough to pay for server anc wasn’t I paying the 100 usd continuously or didn’t I offer a full public node when steem wasn’t scalable that was 800 usd per month and even when my witness was 90 in rank didn’t I continue? My witness had significance more than just governance. I wanted it to be up there to inspire people. ‘Everyone has something to offer’, it stood for that. But do people know of that. Yes you love steem but the moment you leave top 20 to 21 we know the instant reaction, cos next is a post on trending say oh vote for me. So if you are top 20 does it mean you should be there forever and if you are not there, it is suddenly a crime and oh I will look for a way out. Now there is nothing wrong with that but why should other people be bashed? Can you really bash steem? Hasn’t steem done a lot at least. Can I ever bash steem? And well if I do, it was part of all my building and won’t that cross my inner mind at least? So I don’t bash people cos how can I, can I rely of simple actions like vote or transfers to bash people conclusively? No, cos where is the other context? Do I know if you used your transfer to set up a hub that will bring people back on steem long term or know if you went to buy a camera for better dcooperation videos to add branding to steem or hive long term, so how can I bash you and say oh, you are eating the pool. This entire comment is insight into blockchain tech as a whole anc what we can do to improve it. It is obvious voting alone isn’t sufficient as declaration of intention and well if it is vote alone, how is it different from mainstream systems, the secular governance out there, isn’t it vote based. Blockchain will need to find itself and that will take time and a lot of evolution. Let people learn, let conversations be held, let people try new methods, explore blockchain in new ways, home them, then soon a better blockchain will emerge. If the base is all rift and tension and I am correct you aren’t how can decentralization come about. And no you aren’t correct and I am not cos blockchain is still fresh, even decentralization. It is still experimental for the most part till over time ‘correct’ will begin to show but even so, not entirely correct and that is where the human compromise comes it. Altogether blockchain will play a testimonial tool and grand tech when it returns value to humans, not like what is going on now, where humans are losing value again to blockchain. Now cos of blockchain we are having tension and calling human nonsense. And what exactly is blockchain? Inimate stuff. Isn’t that how the world is already modeled? Take all value from humans and give it to inimate things like money, clout, career, talent, Superman, Pokémon etc and humans lose value then quarrel and trample on each other to seek these things? We are doing that with blockchain again. That is one reason I am coming out now to talk. Before I don’t talk. Hahaha like you, I would talk with codes

For sure, I agree with you with all this. I also was downvoted forsaying the truth. One guy even puted me in autodownvote for days just to punish me for days just because I did something he didn't like and it was hard to make him cancel that. That was removing almost all my rewards instantly. But, now everything is ok, but I lost a lot of support. No matter what I did for steem, no matter how hard I promoted it. I really worked hard for days to do so and my twitter page can prove that. Even @dcooperation the account I never power down and used to support everybody no matter how much sp they have or no matter where they are working. And after that they unfollowed me and forget about all what I did and I do. The activity of my twitter account can prove all my words. But, recently I removed all the tweets related to supporting all witnesses during the takeover and I stop fighting with them. Because I worked gard and my followers and people from my community to make those witnesses in the top and in the end they just gave up on us and created a blockchain without even asking us, even the name was choosen without asking the community. Now there is even a company called ''Hive Blockchain'' saying that it will sue steem community if they will not change the name.

For sure we shouldn't blame the blockchain. It's just a tool to make us all connected here. Creating an other just to have more power doesn't help to make it less decentralized. I see the trending page full of those who have already enough power or connected with those who have it. It shouldn't be like this. Blockchain should be for everyone the same. Proof of stake is not an improvement, but a step back. The value is not in money, but in people. That's what was proven during all steem creation, especially before upvote bots where created. Now we have a bit of hope. The hope that those who were downvoting will power down all their earnings and their downvote will not worth anything. That way we will be free to say what ever we want. That will make us a bit less decentralized.

Hahaha you get it all. I won’t say much here. I just smile and you will understand. You get it. All that led to this was reactionary but from way back before all this. This one, I saw coming but it is understandable. This is how the General world works so it isn’t about steem or hive. Some of what will help is when there is the token creation feature on hive or steem where everyone can direct their type of model. Now things are easier. The truth is there are communities now. We leave that focus too much on tech and code when we have something of beauty there. Blockchain in general focus on tech too much even the sps and all. With something as simple as communities one can now own a dapp. Then add their token if they wish. Isn’t that so so so powerful. Now even a non tech person can have a dapp, then direct their domain to it etc even if we work collectively to raise as many as say 100 communities to say 1000 subscribers minimum, we can spark 100 dreams and long term this helps growth and this is something they can be done right now, without additional code. Smt for instance was near shipping. How about a bit of patience, dialogue etc till that comes out. That was also an option. Altogether, no loss. The dreams continue. Nothing wrong with being on 10 platforms to reach people. I still see so much beauty in all this. Somehow with all these efforts mentality will adjust and people will learn to mingle again. That is another beauty of blockchain, mentality-adjusters and it has shown how people have changed over time. As long as we learn, there is beauty to all these events. May we learn!

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