
in GEMS4 years ago

This is about music. About those who love music. Not about those of us who make music. Those are artists and they express themselves differently. They distribute their music to those interested.

I want to talk about everyday music, the music that accompanies us from birth to death. For those who know how to listen and who know how to enjoy.

Like any of you, I have more passions in this life. Movies, music, photography, drawing, the sea, travel, gardening, even cooking. I also have the strange feeling that I forget a few. I've always wondered what the greatest passion of all is. The answers differed each time depending on my condition at the time.

The moment I thought more seriously and looked for arguments I found that music is my great passion.

I realized that I can listen to music non-stop. I realized that I listened to music from an early age when I didn't know what film, the sea, travel or cooking meant.

Certainly music is my great passion!

A code of good practice in blogging says that you should write first about your passions. Because that way you define yourself better as a personality and you have the best expertise. That's why I decided to write about my favorite music at least once a week.

My experience of a few years on this platform has shown me that posts about music are not very appreciated. I understand that, in our rather limited time we want to read as many blogs as possible and interact with as many colleagues as possible. There is no time left to listen to music ...

And yet, in addition to music, there may be some interesting information. And yet, I know some colleagues who are very interested in music and who I think would appreciate a post with and about music. For these reasons I will write about music that I like and that others might like.

What does this title and tag mean!

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I forgot about reading. Reading was another great passion of mine. The library was my favorite place, the place where I broke away from reality and entered a wonderful world. With the advent of modern television, home cinema, and especially the Internet, I had no time for books, I left the library.

My new library was named and became Youtube!

I lived more than half my life (probably) in communism. A totalitarian society that has restricted many of the fundamental human rights. I had little access to Western culture. I lost the cultural and musical effervescence of the 60s and 90s.

When I had access to Youtube I was fascinated. I realized that I can recover some of the losses, that I can see and listen to the music and musicians of the lost years. This is the explanation for the fact that I'm attracted to music now considered old and unknown to many of today's young people. Rock, blues, progressive ...

The only regret I have is that I will not live long enough to be able to listen and see all that I have lost.

I was fascinated by the fact that when I searched for an artist or a song on Youtube I found on the same page many other songs and videos that had connections to the main search!

Songs unknown to me, concerts, other artists who sang with the one I chose, covers, strange connections that led me to other and other wonderful discoveries.

I found it fascinating to start a search and then get to other places and end up listening to something completely different than I originally intended.

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The tag #connections means this to me ... I propose to post about a song (soloist) and then I choose two more videos on the same Youtube page and which obviously have connections with the chosen soloist. Usually lesser known songs or videos.

The good part is that each such selection can be different for each of us. Everyone can choose a different connection and can get to another point.

This is not a challenge or a contest. If this tag can be interesting for someone, of course they can use it. If there are more who will use it then it could turn into a challenge or contest!

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My connections start today with Jethro Tull!

Jethro Tull! The band that rotates and depends on Ian Anderson. Influential rock - folk - jazz.
In the 70's I saw a modern dance show where I first heard Bourée sung by Jethro Tull. I knew nothing about the band or the song. Then I found out that Bourée was composed by J.S. Bach three hundred years ago and the one who played the flute was Ian Anderson. This song appeared on the Stand Up album in 1969. Bourée remained one of my favorite songs.

Jethro Tull: Bourée

And now the magic begins! Because Peter Gabriel played the flute (in Genesis) like Ian Anderson, the connection was made with a wonderful song, another favorite of mine ...

Peter Gabriel...The Carpet Crawlers.

And Peter Gabriel took me to Simple Minds, with which he sang in 1988, in the concert dedicated to Mandela.

SIMPLE MINDS & Peter Gabriel - Biko Mandela 70th Wembley 1988

This series of songs and connections can go almost to infinity, that's why I chose to post only three songs.

If you find this kind of Youtube search interesting then I would love to see your version, if you use the hashtag #connections then I will definitely find it. Thank you!


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