Is the reign of bitcoin over?

in GEMS4 years ago

I'm on the edge of my seat. It is a difficult time all over. It seems like the challenges are a many and not much of anything ample can be done or accomplished. A land mine field, if you will. As soon as you're done passing one you're always on the list to hit another. Such is life now.


Ever since the panic hit the roof, the economy has been shaky. Global economy is on its knees and very fragile at the moment. A lot of reds everywhere and we might be heading towards an economic crisis that could take years to a decade to fully overcome.

Countries are slowly but very apparently have been noticing the slow decent into the bottom of the red. Many have been hemorrhaging from some time back, and the lockdowns are only making it worse.


Government issued currencies are going to and are taking a massive beatdown with some going to unfathomable debt. While others haven't stopped at hyper inflation and still continue printing.

All this would seem very positive for digital or cryto currency. However, it doesn't seem so. Bitcoin may have created a new bottom but bring bullish isn't helping it's struggle. It almost seems like the reign is over.


With the oncoming halving, it should have been a parade for bitcoin. Bitcoin should have been bulldozing through the markets but very fickle does the likelihood seem. This halving is at a very crucial time, with the forthcoming global crisis and app the inflation and mad man printing. Nevertheless, bitcoin seems to be following the trend.

Is it because the world has had enough of it? Or because the markets feel bitcoin is so old, overused and boring? Has the new experimenting with different protocols, plans and systems taken over the shine of bitcoin?


Or is it that the decoding if bitcoin seems to be a very trivial matter as many super computers have been introduced? Is that the killing blow? Many exchanges, wake and more have had been hacked or taken over resulting in either complete theft, hijack or loss of position with btc. Is that why?

Can bitcoin resist the global trend? Time will tell.


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