in GEMS4 years ago

Splinterlands weekly challenge and this week theme is SERPENT OF ELD.

Honestly speaking I never had this card on any of my playing accounts, somehow never got it opened with any of Untamed packs before. So actually had to buy one for my 1st level alt to see what this card is worth

First some general thoughts. At 1st level Water Splinter I mostly use Prismatic Energy as a tank, due its ability to reflect magic attacks, high speed and high Life. In certain fight conditions, when Melee tank to be used, it is rather low mana but low speed Spineback Turtle, either a bit more faster Sea Monster with much higher mana, but great self-healing ability and very high Melee attack. In this respect SERPENT OF ELD stays somewhere inbetween, with its much higher speed and decent Melee Attack, not to forget carrying two armors and Dodge ability, From Level 5 it gets additional Return Fire, which is pretty cool too. So obviously it can be used instead of Turtle or Sea Monster depending on fight ruleset and total fight Mana count. And so it was tested as below fight (just to remind on my 1st level alt account)

FIGHT. Back to Basics + Rise of the Commons + 32 Mana


Very High mana fights normally are very good for Water Splinter. Even without Ruler of the Seas, Legendary card, which is very heavy killer with its blast ability. But not this time. So while lined up all the rest Magic warriors, still was enough mana for a melee tank, which is by remaining Mana points was exactly perfect to try SERPENT OF ELD

Here is final line-up

  • SERPENT OF ELD. High speed, high Melee attack high Life and additional armor
  • PRISMATIC ENERGY. High Speed, high Life and Magic reflect
  • ELVEN MYSTIC. Standard Magic monster at 1st level
  • MEDUSA. Standard Magic monster at 1st level
  • SEA GENIE. Higher Magic attack with Flying ability. While low speed as disadvantage
  • FURIOUS CHICKEN. Left one slot, this time covering back line from first possible attack

Opponent chose Fire Splinter with high speed attack monsters, mostly range. SERPENT OF ELD was strong enough with its additional armor to take first wave of damages, while opponents tank was eliminated at first round as well by heavy magic attacks. After that there were no doubts in a Victory, counting only range monsters remained at the opponents line-up, while Prismatic Energy has very high life as well.
And one more note, this time FURIOUS CHICKEN would be more useful at front line. But that's always kind of a lottery where to put it :)

Hope you have enjoyed!


Bang, I did it again... I just resteemed your post!

I am !DERANGED and give some away too...

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