Axeman's Travelfeed #021 - The City and The Rain Part #2

in GEMS4 years ago

The first part of the story was published few months ago and by now definitely completely forgotten. By the meantime still remained few photos in my archive, so why not to let them see the light of the day (out of dark photographers archives) :D

Just to remind the story behind...

Well, the autumn at Klaipeda (Lithuania) is normally grey and rainy. That's how it works on Baltic Sea normally. Though there is certain period of time, a few weeks, when all the trees around becoming very colorful. And concerning photography itself, such rainy moody days normally brings more deep atmosphere and even more colors and photos taken during rain (or right after rain) always brings very special feeling and are more easier for post-production and color grading/toning. But not to forget, that the trick is to keep the photo-gear dry enough to avoid any shortcuts. The pro models of cameras and lenses are normally waterproof, but they cost way much more than normal amateur can afford, so be careful :)

Normally I still don't like such a rainy weather, but that happened that day had camera with me and while walking home through Klaipeda old city, just take this series of "rainy" shots, which now going to present for the pleasure of the viewers

The Old City was built during Prussian and German Empire times and generally it still keeps a lot of authenticity and recognizable German architecture (which actually you can see a lot in Germany) and stone bricks roads everywhere.

The trick of shooting water reflection and then turn around the frame in post-production is pretty nice, but you still have to compose it properly, having in mind this kind of transformation in post production, so the composition will come out to be correct. And here is the most perfect and quite mind blowing example.
And keep in mind, the lower the shooting point is, the better effect from reflection you will get



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And now lets have a short journey to the heart of the Old City with some nice architectural examples



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This graffiti stand out a bit from overall series, but just looks pretty cool anyway :)



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And a few more closer shots of the "Traces of Autumn" on the streets



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*Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!*



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*Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!*


Hope You enjoyed the story. And see you in next walkarounds....!



Camera**Canon 6D / Canon 24-70mm f2.8L / Natural Light **

From now on You can buy my works in hi-resolution digital format for ETH/USD



Autumn (and also the end of winter) have some special shades for photography.


прекрасный пост, а главное, оцененный!

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