The Kingdom of Splinterlands - Weekly update

in GEMS4 years ago

1 Daily quest and overall position

Well, 50 minutes before the season end finally managed to hit Champions 3 league. But was really on the border...
Final result - 3712 points with rank 136. Not bad after all


Last daily quest was Fire, not favorite one, but passed more or less quick anyway. Though yesterday was really some serious node problems, lost too many due disconnection and results not in my favor.


By the way, wondering if somebody really likes this new lay out? Me not much, to be honest...

Below pretty nice win against stronger Selenia. This new Equalizer rule is pretty fun, but need some more practice to adopt it in best way


2 Season rewards

Well, coming back to usual routine. One common Goldie only, well, still something, but total stats are very disappointing again. Cards Total Value: $ 1.177 Cards Burn Value: 2,084.43 DEC + 1 ORB and very small DECs


3 Cards leveled up

After burning few Goldies just for DEC, since it is pretty impossible to sell anything for a good price, finally got the mighty KRON leveled up to 3rd with Last Stand ability. And now its time to test it in a battlefield!


4 The Guild of NEOXIAN

Season completed No.16. Almost keeping present position

Guild status (on last day of the season): Guild Hall - Maxed / Quest Lodge - Maxed

That's all so far and see you next time!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 66338.04
ETH 3306.77
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69