Splinterlands: A Battle To Remember.

in GEMS4 years ago


I hope you're having a great day!

Welcome to my another Splinterlands related post where I'm going to show you a great battle that's not to be forgotten.

Let's watch the battle in first.

Youtube Video.

For better experience, you may watch the battle direct from steemmonsters official website from the link below.

Link to the battle

SO... here's me with my opponent.

Battle Details


This time I've found an opponent with so many legendary card. I mean... my opponent used 3 legendary cards in this match and all of em are in level 3 while I have zero legendary in my collection.

I was at Diamond 2 .
The battles mana cap was 46 with "Healed Out & Odd Ones Out" Rules.
I used only 30 mana while my opponent used 34 mana.
Both of us used Life splinter in this battle.

Let's see the lineup.


I had my Silvershield Paladin in level 6, Warrior of Peace in level 4, Dvine Healer in level 6, Feral Spirit in level 6, Silvershield Assassin in level 3 and Air Elemental in level 4 .
It was my setup.
And my opponent used some hard-ass cards like Sacred Unicorn in level 3, Lord Arianthus in level 3, Silvershield Paladin in level 6, Silvershield Assassin in level 5, Angel of Light in level 3 and Air Elemental in level 5.

Sacred Unicorn in level 3
Lord Arianthus in level 3
Angel of Light in level 3
These card that my opponent used are legendary and all in level 3.

Beside his Silvershield Assassin and Air Elemental had more power than mine.
So it's clear that I was about to lose the battle.

But... I think my Warrior of Peace changed the situation or the rules of the battle did.
I'm not expert in rules so I'm not sure what happened.
If anyone knows how I won in this match then please let me know in the comment below.

Let me talk about cards that I used in this battle.

No 01: Silvershield Paladin

Paladins hold the most respected (and feared) rank in the Order of the Silver Shield. They use powerful magic and enchanted shields to boost their defenses, wearing down their enemies. Having earned respect, Paladins also enjoy a greater degree of freedom in their everyday lives than other Warriors. Source

My Silvershield Paladin is in level 6 with 2 melee attack, 3 speed, 4 shield, 8 health with "Shield & Magic Reflect" abilities and it needs 5 mana.
When it comes to play with life splinter... I can't think of any other melee attack monster other than this one for it's awesome abilities.
With it's high shield and health; it has extra shield as ability which make him live for a long time.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 02: Warrior of Peace

The Peacebringers are the underground resistance to the Order of the Silver Shield in Khymeria, and the Warriors of Peace are their writers. They have proven time and time again that the greatest weapons are written, not thrown, loosed or swung. Source

Used this card for the first time maybe and it showed it's amazing ability which kinda fascinated me.
My Warrior of Peace is in level 4 with 5 speed, 12 health with "Demoralize" ability which reduces the melee attack of all enemy monsters and it needs 7 mana.
At first I thought what'd I do with this card with high mana that doesn't have any attack power.
But after watching her in the battlefield; now I think she is worth it.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

NO 03: Divine Healer

Known commonly around Khymeria as simply Healers, these Khymians are easy to find. Using medicines synthesized from plants all around the Splinterlands, the Divine Healers can alleviate the symptoms of nearly any ailment. Most of their time is occupied with attempting to cure the Burn. Source

She's the oldest member in splinterlands I guess.
Being older; she has amazing power here in splinterlands.
My Divine Healer is in level 6 with 1 magic attack, 1 speed, 4 health with "Tank Heal & Slow" abilities although Tank Heal was not working in this battle and it needs only 3 mana.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 04: Feral Spirit

Forever caught between dimensions, the Feral Spirits (and all Luminous Beasts) are the result of the Obliteration of Light, a horrible destructive event in which all the living vanished from the surface of Khymeria. These spirits do not hunger or thirst, but their fangs still bite and their claws still slash. Source

My Feral Spirit is in level 6 with 2 melee attack, 6 speed, 4 health with "Sneak" ability and it needs only 3 mana.
It's a nice card to play with.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

NO 05: Silvershield Assassin

The Assassins do not openly wear the insignia of the Order of the Silver Shield, for they take on the dirty work, the kind of work that is best forgotten after it is done. Armed with small jagged daggers and throwing knives, Silver Shield Assassins kill with the silence of a nightfall over the Khymeve Meadows. They never take prisoners. Source

My Silvershield Assassin is in level 3 with 2 melee attack, 3 speed, 1 shield, 5 health with "Sneak & Double Strike" abilities and it needs 7 mana.
She did nice in the battle.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

No 06: Air Elemental

Khymian summoners have mastered the art of summoning air in its Elemental form. These Elementals are mostly invisible, so they are extremely difficult to hit with any attack. The mighty blasts of air they shoot can take down a powerful foe from incredible distances. Source

My Air Elemental is in level 4 with 3 ranged attack, 6 speed, 6 health with "Dodge" ability and it needs 5 mana.
I like this card too much for it's high attack power and high speed.
It's a great asset for life splinter.

Go on check out this card from Splinterlands Market if you wish to.

Let's talk about the battle.

Round 01


  • My Air Elemental attacekd opponents Sacred Unicorn at first with 3 ranged attackand killed it's shield.
  • Then My Feral Spirit attacked opponents Air Elemental with 2 melee attack and killed it's shield.
  • Now opponents Air Elemental attacked my Silvershield Paladin with 4 ranged attack and it killed it's 2 shield.
  • My Silvershield Paladin killed two health of opponents Sacred Unicorn with 2 melee attack.
  • Opponents Silvershield Assassin Killed my Air Elemntals Shield.
  • My Silvershield Assassin did the same with opponents Air Elemental just killed 2 health instead of shield.
  • Opponents Sacred Unicorn Killed 2 shield of My Silvershield Paladin.
  • My Divine Healer killed 1 health of opponents Sacred Unicorn.

Round 02


  • My Air Elemental killed 2 health of opponents Sacred Unicorn.
  • My Feral Spirit killed 2 health of opponents Air Elemental.
  • Opponents Air Elemental killed 1 shield of my Silvershield Paladin.
  • Opponents Silvershield Assassin killed 1 health of my Air Elemental.
  • Opponents Sacred Unicorn killed 2 health of my sSilvershield Assassin.
  • My Silvershield Paladin killed opponents Sacred Unicorns 2 health.
  • My Silvershield Assassin Killed opponents Air Elemental then opponents Angel of Light resurrected the Air Elemental.
  • My Silvershield Assassin again attacked opponents Air Elemental and killed it's shield.
  • My Divine Healer killed opponents Sacred Unicorn.

Round 03


  • My Air Elemental killed the shielfd of opponents Lord Arianthus.
  • My Feral Spirit killed opponents Air Elemental for good.
  • Opponents Silvershield Assassin killed my Air Elemental and killed 1 shield of my Silvershield Assassins with it's Double Strike ability.
  • My Silvershield Assassinkilled 1 shield and 2 health of opponents Angel of Light.
  • My Silvershield Paladin killed 1 health of opponents Lord Arianthus and my Silvershield Paladin also lost 1 health for "Thorns" ability of opponents Lord Arianthus.
  • My Divine Healer tried to kill 1 health of opponents Lord Arianthus but instead lost 1 health of her own.

Round 04


  • My Feral Spirit killed 2 health of opponents Angel of Light.
  • My Silvershield Assassin killed 1 health of opponents Angel of Light.
  • Opponents Silvershield Assassin killed 1 shield and 1 health of my Silvershield Assassin.
  • My Silvershield Paladin killed 1 health of opponents Lord Arianthus and my Silvershield Paladin also lost 1 health for "Thorns" ability of opponents Lord Arianthus... again.
  • My Divine Healer tried to kill 1 health of opponents Lord Arianthus but instead lost 1 health of her own... again.

Round 05


  • My Feral Spirit killed opponents Angel of Light.
  • My Silvershield Assassin killed 1 shield and 1 shield of opponents Silvershield Assassin.
  • My Silvershield Paladin killed 1 health of opponents Lord Arianthus and my Silvershield Paladin also lost 1 health for "Thorns" ability of opponents Lord Arianthus... again.
  • Opponents Silvershield Assassin killed my Silvershield Assassin with "Double Strike".
  • My Divine Healer tried to kill 1 health of opponents Lord Arianthus but instead lost 1 health of her own... again.

Round 06


  • My Feral Spirit killed 1 health of opponents Silvershield Assassin.
  • My Silvershield Paladin killed 1 health of opponents Lord Arianthus and my Silvershield Paladin also lost 1 health for "Thorns" ability of opponents Lord Arianthus.
  • Opponents Silvershield Assassin killed 1 shield and 1 health of my Feral Spirit.
  • My Divine Healer tried to kill 1 health of opponents Lord Arianthus but instead lost 1 health of her own and got killed.

Round 07


  • My Feral Spirit Killed opponents Silvershield Assassin.
  • My Silvershield Paladin killed 1 health of opponents Lord Arianthus and my Silvershield Paladin also lost 1 health for "Thorns" ability of opponents Lord Arianthus.

Round 08


  • My Feral Spirit got killed by someones poison ability.
  • My Silvershield Paladin killed 1 health of opponents Lord Arianthus and my Silvershield Paladin also lost 1 health for "Thorns" ability of opponents Lord Arianthus ang got killed.

Round 09-20


Nothing happened in these round.

Round 21-24


It's time to see the power of "Fugitive".
I'm not exactly sure about it's work.



At last I won the match.
I was so surprised to see me winning while my opponent had all those legendary card.

I hope this post will help newbies.
Spent more than 2 hours behind this post; I guess.

Mentioning @carrieallen & @clove71 to check out this post and please let me know your opinion about this post and about the battle.

Photos are taken from splinterlands

The End

If you're interested in playing steemmonsters game then you should start it.
Here is the link of official websites which is also my affiliate link.

That's all for now. I'll come with an interesting post again.

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I'm a Writer (I write poems+short stories), Traveler (I travel whenever I get free times and resources as it's a part of my life actually), Photographer (I love it too much) and Designer (Currently I'm the lead designer of a private company).

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yes it was best game, victory , i liked also this very much, but first time came to know that , why it happend after limited round ,, but it is rule, weldone

@tipu curate

Hot damn, dude! Awesome post!
So much info, explanation and screenshots! I love it!
I'm glad you showcased the Warrior of Peace. It's another one of those cards that you're not quite sure what to do with it... until you see it shine. Hubs keeps telling me it's awesome... and now I see.
splinterlands water gif.gif

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