Coffee, Not Only Enjoyed but Feel the Results (Aceh Then and Now)

in GEMS4 years ago

Aceh as one of the provinces in Indonesia, always keeps a lot of stories. No wonder Aceh has been named a special area. The specialty of Aceh can be seen from several prominent aspects, including socio-culture, harmony among people, customs, natural resources and so on. After experiencing trauma caused by the earthquake and tsunami, Aceh province is now rising from the gap. Progress for the sake of progress continues to be felt by various parties

Many facets of progress have been achieved and felt by all parties, both individuals and groups. Central and local government cooperation has motivated everyone to work. Various natural resources can now be utilized by every level of society, such as agriculture, industry, fisheries, handicrafts and home industries, such as sewing clothes, handicraft, brick industry and producing coffee packaging

The era of globalization as challenges and demands for all people

The emergence of an era of globalization and modernization that has increased, has led to many ideas for each individual or group. It seems like everyone is aware that, feeling lazy will result in setbacks. Today's modernization requires thinkers and hard workers

Coffee production in the form of packaging


One of the businesses that has grown significantly in Aceh today is the coffee shop. Almost every area has a coffee shop both in the village and in big cities. Coffee stalls seem to be the most popular business trend here

No wonder the competition in serving various flavors of coffee is getting tougher. Each coffee shop always has the characteristics of their respective advantages in serving coffee

Gayo Robusta coffee has become an idol for coffee connoisseurs


For some people in Aceh, Gayo coffee production is very familiar with every circle. Both farmers, fishermen, students and even those who work in offices. This home-produced coffee from central Aceh can even be obtained at various supermarkets or in every stall



Many advantages offered by this coffee producer. Besides being processed from selected coffee beans, Robusta coffee can also reduce the risk of disease. Especially for people with high blood pressure, stomach and heart disease


For its success, now Aceh's specialty coffee production has been expanded to various regions in Indonesia. The central government has been working with local governments to expand the reach of production to neighboring countries. Many community members are recruited and employed here. Hopefully this becomes one of the motivations for everyone who wants to progress and succeed

Original photo and writing by @arispranata5




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