Mushroom Monday - Good harvest of Discina ancilissteemCreated with Sketch.

in GEMS4 years ago

At the weekend, my wife and I went to the forest, to check if there are more mushrooms, or because of the heat, all the mushrooms have already rotted ...
We wandered for a very long time and finally found a small clearing of such mushrooms)



These mushrooms in our area are very rare, and you can find them only in a single copy ...

But this time we found dozens of them, and we were a little shocked, since we had never seen so many of them in life)

If you blow inside Discina ancilis inside, this mushroom will eject the spores of the white powder in a light haze, ensuring the spread and survival of its mycelium ...


Discina ancilis has the appearance of a bowl or cup and has a fragile structure ...


Therefore, transporting these mushrooms home is very difficult!


You can bring only crumbs)

But since we harvested mostly young and strong specimens,


we were able to maintain their original appearance)

Here is part of what we managed to harvest!)


Since Discina ancilis does not have a pronounced mushroom taste, I seasoned them when I cooked with different herbs and mushroom seasoning ...

Then I fried them with egg and milk,


cut a salad of cabbage, cucumber onions and spices, and in total a wonderful dinner for two came out!)


In general, the walk, and its results in the form of a wonderful dinner, were a success, and very pleased me with my wife! Thank you for reading this post, soon even more amazing from the world of mushrooms!)

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