100 days of steem: Day 50 - president for a day

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello everyone i hope you all are fine and safe from the coronavirus outbreak and are making the efficent use of your quarantine time. Firstly Once again i am thankful to the @steemitblog for giving me and all members of the community a chance of writing in the community. These types of initiatives brings the focus of lot of person and new commers to the community. Steemblog is always giving nice topics to write. I always loves to become a part of his challenge and i join all the initiatives from steemitblog . Today is 50th day of these initiatives that means we have fifty more days leaft. Mush wish and person request to the steemitblog is that please extend these types of initiatives for many more days as i tell lot of people are enjoying these initiatives. In this challenge the topic is vary important for me personally. Today we have to tell if you become a president what things you will do or what kind of new law you will introduce in your country. If a person is living in a developing country the president of this country will only hopes and finds the ways of development in his country.

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My wish is to become a leader of the country and i love politics vary much. I am from jammu and Kashmir and i recently decided to join politics but my family members didn't support me because the situation in my Kashmir is not good. So steemit today at some what gives be a opportunity of becoming a president in imagination. This time during writing this post my feeling is like the leader of nation and i want many things to bring to my country and so that my country will be at the top of world.

Firstly i am giving you the information where i am living and which country i am controlling this time . I am living in india which is the second populates country in the india. Below are things or laws which i want to introduce in my country india.

Control of population

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I think you have enough information that in india there are lot of people who are below the poverty line. That means that have nothing to eat and they even have no homes to live . I have seen lot of people in the main Delhi are sleeping on footsteps. These types of people are doing work in the day and eats that much at the night. If the people in your country is below the poverty line in a huge number then your country will be able to become a developed country. Recently i was studying a topic on poverty in india. I read also the causes of poverty. The main reason i read behind the poverty is the rapid increasing population in india. In there population is growing at a vary rapid speed , experts are predicting that with in few years india will become the most populated country in the world. So for making my country india a developing country i will introduce a law of One son or girl to the every family. That can reduce a population at high extent. You may know that China have introduced this law before many years. Then we see the results of this law China is now on the top of the developing countries .

law of hanging the rapists all over the country

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In my country india rape word is always seen in the news because in india rape is the fourth most common crime against the womens in india. In india lot of rape cases is reported every day. Among the rape victims some victims goes to court or police where some rape victims didn't go the court or people because they think society did give her a respect after knowing about the incident. But my advice to that victims rise you voice against this crime but have nothing done wrong but the this is all the falt of a nonsense rapist. In India more than twenty three thousand cases of rape were reported in the year of 2012. In india lot of girls which are minors is also gets raped .
When the case regarding this goes to the court firstly the court spends a lot of time in the case and at the end of the case the court gives a few years of punishment by sending them to the prison. After the rapist come out of the prison he once again do the same thing once again as he knows that the punishment is not too big for this crime.
If i will be the president or prime minister of country india i will give the hanging punishment for the rapist because if we hang some of the rapist then all the people will think about this crime before doing this crime.

Development of roads and employment to young youth

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The above things are vary important for every country. In my previous post i tell you that the roads in my homeland is not too much good so i want to make these roads good. People in some local areas i facing lot of problems regarding the road issues so i will give a lot of funds towards the road construction. Also the main reason behind the poverty in India is less job facilities to the people of country. When you have nothing to do where from you get the money for fulfilling the basic needs of life. I will introduce a lot of jobs to the young youth. How i can give the youth a employment is a big question but i have some answer to this if i introduce some small scale industries in the local areas and big industries in the cities that may give a high boost to the employment and also the economy of the nation will rise like a fire.

Thanks for reading.


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