PM or President of one day

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello Guys,

PM For a Day

Hello friends,now at this time we all are in between corona situation and everyone thinks that if i have power in my hands then i will definitely do something for my people's who are get affected due to this deadly virus and lock-down in various country.
and this thought is come in my mind also.
so now i get opportunity to tell what will i do for my country if I become PM or PRESIDENT.


If i become PM at this time

It's very tough time for our country where at one side corona is spread very fast and lock-down effects on the economy and GDP of country.
if i become PM of country at this time then my first priority is safety of my peoples.
i will do every thing in my power to save peoples of my country and also i help other county.
if i become a PM for a day then this is my first moto.


If i'm on this post for more time then i definitely focus on this topics.


Farmer are very important part of our country.we should focus on them also.
that why they not get loss in farming because of them we are get to eat.starts scheme that benefits the farmers directly.
reduce the distance between farmers and market so that they do not to pay brokerage to any one.


Corporate sector

To Boost Economy and GDP of country corporate area sector is very important factor.
every industrial sector are work to make country strong.
Support the small industries because small business are base of we need to support start-ups.


Education Sector

In my point of view we are studying very old technology.It is ok to learn about our past and history of country and culture till high school but in higher study or in bachelor degree we should modified education system. Provide training to the staffs of new technology.
Instead of focus on theory we should give attention on practical implementation.


this are some of main fields which i focus if i become PM of one day.
their is much more think that PM or President do that one post look very less to express them.
thank you


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