Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 37: Everyone is a Winner

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago

Created from Canva

It is a pleasure to be sharing my article here on this interesting topic which has been a bother to me for some time.
During my three months as a newcomer on Steemit, I was always getting support for my posts and this greatly encouraged me. But things took a different turn when I came out from being a newcomer, getting support became a hurdle.
You would spend hours making great content and at the end when winners are announced you do not get picked. After all, we have the "votes and not guaranteed" from the team curator accounts and "the decision of the jury is final" from the community phrase.

Of importance was the realization that after the newcomer stage, your rise on the platform is mainly by your Steem power. The lower you are the lower your chances of getting noticed. And there's also the part of connection and all.

But in all, I have not allowed it to bring down my resolve. Most times I got angry and reported to my mentor @bossj23 and to my country rep @goodybest. One thing my country rep always told me is that I should ignore and not cause a fight with anyone. Instead, I should just strive to give my best without expectations.

That word of hers is the main thing that I believe should keep everyone on steem going. Just keep putting your good content out there and hopefully, as the Lord tarried, one day your time for recognition will come.


What do you think of everyone being a winner on STEEMIT?

This is not so easy a question, what do you mean by everyone can be a winner. If it is by getting support then everyone can be a winner someday provided they can be consistent. At first, you may be stagnant getting zeros on your payouts but as time goes on your consistency can come through for you.
Not only consistency though because you can be consistently posting rubbish, breaking rules, or doing things that are not allowed and you would not win. So be consistent in improving your writing and strategies.

Is the idea of everyone winning on STEEMIT fair and exciting to you?

The idea of every creator who is giving value to the platform winning is a good idea. But to me, that's like saying everyone in the world will be rich. That's impossible, we will have poor people, average and rich. It sounds exciting, Yes! But it does not sound achievable.

How does the concept of everyone being a winner on STEEMIT affect user motivation?
  • I will give my opinion from two standpoints, if the concept is to support every good creator on the platform then user morale will be very high. People will take their time to do their best knowing fully well that they will win. Unlike now where you enter a contest knowing very well the judges have their favorites or the bigger accounts will have a higher chance than you.
  • But if the concept is to make everyone a winner then people will just write anything they want without giving thought to its quality since they are sure to win.
Any challenges with everyone being a winner on STEEMIT?

Well, let's say there's a new law that everyone should be given votes per day no matter what they will post. This will reduce the quality of posts as anyone can just wake up and post what they want because they are sure of winning.

What content would you create on STEEMIT to be a winner?

Quality content, content that reeks of originality and creativity. I want my readers to be held spellbound and in awe every time they are on my blog. I love to report news and write about politics, events happening around us, etc.
I will most surely give my best because only the best deserves to win.



To conclude this post I would like to appeal that everyone should be given a fair and leveled playing ground to grow. Right now my invitees are finding it hard to receive support as newcomers that they are. Support has been reduced to once or twice a week against what used to happen in my team. I know I am a nobody but if the Steem team can look into these things I believe everyone will be happy.

This post is not to attack anyone. All pictures are taken from my Tecno Spark 9T smartphone unless stated otherwise

I invite @rexzitek, @irawandedy, and @ngoenyi to participate in this contest.


We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.
Curated by : @patjewell

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Gracias @patjewell

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