Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)| S12W5- "My Skill Takes Me Up"

in Steem4Nigeria9 months ago (edited)


Hello steemit friends. Welcome to my blog today. It’s another competing contest week on skills. This is just not just a contest, but an exposition to how we view skills. I want to thank @steem4nigeria for organising another captivating contest as this. Hop in as we dive into this together. Shall we?



A skill is anything acquired to basically to make a living out of it. Skills are beautiful things that make us think creatively and be productive and industrious. Skills also add values to our lives and make life easier. But the primary aim of acquiring any skill is to make ends meet. To sum it all up, skills are developed in order to solve problems and make a living from it.


It is very much needed. In fact, to excel rapidly in any field one is working in, a skill is needed to boost it up. The thing about skills is that it helps us develop ourselves as well. In my country, with a lot of people complaining of job scarcity, a skill is needed to start with while looking for a corporate or “white collar job,” that’s for the graduates.

People still graduate from higher institutions and go back to learn a skill because they are not able to get a job immediately after graduating. In this kind of situation, for one to survive anywhere, especially in this part of the world, a skill is needed.


There are lots of skills in my country, which is a good thing. The major ones I know of are: fashion designing, hair styling, confectionaries(baking), welding, farming, fishing, screeding and painting, carpentry and so many others.
I cannot forget to mention one skill that is taking over the space in the country nowadays, Point of Sale (POS).

I can remember as at early this year when these particular business operators were making so much from just making financial transactions for people.

This was due to the cashless policy that affected everyone, but these people were not smiling at us with their charges. Som many ventured into this business, and it’s one lucrative business if the location is situated at the right place. These and many more are the skills in my country which are all competitive. In addition, all these skills are resourceful and bring yields in abundance to whoever is operating it.


Writing! I love this particular skill so much. I overheard someone who said writing is only a talent and nothing more. But that’s a total misconception about writing.

Brainstorming with friends on my writing skill

I have actually learned some skills including fashion designing which I’m currently undergoing the training still, but I’d choose writing over the other skills over and over again.

Writing is a skill that can be learned and developed on. That’s why I so much admire people who can wire their thoughts together to create beautiful images in the minds of people. And someday, I hope I’d be able to publish books of my own.


Creativity: Writing makes one think deeply and creatively, and even imaginatively. There was a day I was doing a story and I had a particular theme for that story. But as I kept writing, I discovered I had other themes in that story. Just then, it clicked in my mind that writers can pass as many messages as they want to with words.

Reading: it might be true that peoples’ attention span is now relatively short; very short to be honest. It’s even worse when it comes to reading.

Putting down my thoughts on paper

But this is what I like about books. I read for lots of reasons. For entertainment, education, explore, historical events and to build me up. Any good writer was/is a great reader.

If I want to write on anything, I carry out my research to have enough facts about what I want to write on. This alone can make me read, just to write. This is so because we give out from what we know and see. There’s nothing that’s totally new, it’s all a recreation from what has been there from time being.

Perspectives: Another reason is because writing gives me the opportunity of seeing things from other people’s perspectives. It could be emotional, enthralling, whatever feeling it gives, the best is to look from another perspective.

Again. There’s a book that made me cry so much that, even when I saw the boy deserved to die, I just prayed he could be given a second chance—"Native Boy.” This book fanned the flame of love I had for books to real spark of fire.

Passion: I think another reason I love writing is just the passion I have for it. It feels so good to write anytime I feel comfortable, or images begin to come into my mind. When there’s a passion for anything, there’s a higher possibility to be successful at that thing.


Skills are needed in today’s world, whether digital or manual. It’s there to help us boost pour potentials in the world of today. Apart form making money, skills are needed to keep us busy, and nit just busy, but busy doing the things we like doing best.

The best part in succeeding is not the money involved, it should be one’s passion for it. When the focus is any thing other than money, it becomes a dangerous distraction.
Rather, our aim should be to give solutions to problems around us, and do it to the satisfaction of those we are serving with our skills. The returns will start coming in even beyond what you expect as you develop yourself and become better at it. Be focused!

Would like to invite @ukpono, @shahid76 and @hudamalik20 to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading through.

 9 months ago 

প্রিয় ভাই,
আপনি অনেক সুন্দর ভাবে আপনার পোস্টে দক্ষতা সম্পর্কে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য নিয়ে আলোচনা করেছেন।

আসলে আপনি ঠিকই বলেছেন, স্নাতক শেষ করে নিজেকে দক্ষতা দেখাতে হবে, তা না হলে নিজেকে দক্ষতা হিসেবে বেছে নেওয়া কঠিন। এই দুনিয়াতে দক্ষতার গুরুত্ব অনেক বেশি।

আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ সুন্দর একটি প্রকাশনা আমাদের সামনে উপস্থাপন করার জন্য। আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইলো। ভালো থাকবেন।

 9 months ago 

Thank you for your nice comment.

It's very nice that you want to learn to write well, but I've learned in my life that to write well you need to read a lot

 9 months ago 

Thanks for your nice comment.

Well done sister u have present your topic really well I appreciate

 9 months ago 

Well appreciated, ma'am.

Having a skill is no more optional, it's a necessity.
I love your passion towards writing and I hope to see you at the top.

Best of luck

 9 months ago 

Thank you so much.


Skills are needed in todays world most especially digital skills.

You wrote really well🤗

 9 months ago 

Thank you, friend.

 9 months ago 

Indeed skills are very much needed in todays world
I enjoyed reading this♥️

 9 months ago 

Thank you, dear.

Skills are good and they actually help us develop ourselves. This can be only when you can make use of them because some are not able to use their skills efficiently.

Writing is actually good and I can see the passion driven in your to be a writer. Kudos with that and move on to do it efficiently. Never be discouraged about it in any way.

Thanks for sharing with us

 9 months ago 

Thank you so much for these words of encouragement. I really do appreciate.

You're welcome my friend

 9 months ago 

Waooo, is good you are already in fashion design, this is a very good skill and us very lucrative if you know how to do your work well.

Writing I think also is a talent and not a skill but if you said is a skill, I will also say so

 9 months ago 

It's a talent when you like doing it, and with ease. But it becomes a skill if you attach some meaningful trainings to develop yourself in that area.
Thank you for your kind words.

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