Contest Alert: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger || by @yakspeace

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)

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Greetings sir @lhorgic and all the community members of steem4nigeria, I welcome you once again to my blog. Today i will be taking part in a contest titled “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

What is your thought about this statement, do you agree with this statement
This statement deals with the fact that there is hope in life with the way things are been faced in reality this day, to me the statement entails a kind of gesture of toughness and the ability to deal with situations life has to offer.


I very much agree with the statement that says "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". because, if we look at things from a perspective that we can understand, then we are capable of overcoming our struggles. In life we face numerous challenges that makes us feel depressed among which are;

Disappointments: this doesn't mean you can't make it or a blessing might not come your way in due time, been disappointed by situations that occurred shows that one can leave through it to the next face of reality, to be disappointed is something constant but when you overlook at the act not minding the effects it's going to play you find out that it ends up making you strong enough to focus on what's best for you, and at the end, it becomes a forgotten story.


Regrets: this has always been part of our life's in one way or the other and we have no choice but to deal with it though it has a lot of memories in it just have to let it pass to remain in the past, regardless of the issues concerned most regrets involves things done in the past of which you are either wanting to make it right or wishing it had never happened, with that kind of memories it's hard for some people to let go but when you do, it becomes easy for one not to face the trauma's of it but builds the mind to be strong enough to accommodate leaving through it, it won't kill you but only make you stronger to be able to deal with yourself in your next actions.

Pains: Pains can also make one stronger why because the person who is in the situation has found a way to heal and adapt to new changes, pain can lead to many things even cause death if it's not handled with care, and can also cause PTSD. (Psychological Trauma Syndrome Disorder). For one to get relief from it counseling and going for a therapist treatment are needed to help fight and heal any kind of situation dealing with the pain, by overcoming those obstacles one has gained the ability to establish self-reliance to be strong and focus on future accounts.

Do you have any personal experience or from someone you know to back up your claim? Do share with us.


My friend Lily is an orphan who lost her parents during the boko haram insurgent crisis at Maiduguri Borno State, Nigeria. After the incident, her uncle took her to stay with him and his family, Lily was very brilliant more than the uncle's children so the uncle's wife hated her for that reason, she was more like their housemate because the other cousin's sister's don't do anything at home. Sometimes she goes to school very late because of the house chores.

After their secondary school, Lily was sent to study in college while the other two were sent to study at the university, Lily was not happy with the way she was treated but she had no option but to work according to their terms. She suffered and life was so difficult for her, lily never gave up but stay stronger and remain focused. Sometimes, lily will feel like committing suicide because she felt life had nothing to offer her, i keep on encouraging her to be strong and stay focused.

She continued to study hard till she graduated with a good result in college. Her other cousin's sister also graduated from the University but when it was time for them to take over the father company's the two cousins were not qualified for the work so the uncle handed over everything to Lily just because of her hard work and competency. She became their boss at the office.

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What are the lessons from your experience or that of someone you know which you would like to share with your audience?
I learned that the key to success is to remain focused and never give up. Lily look into the little opportunity she had to study in college and she make good use of it to explore, let us not see the gravity of our challenges but built on the little opportunities to scale through.

When there is life, there is hope, and when we realize hope it should be the point for us to be stronger. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and any success achieved out of struggle is well utilized.

In conclusion to the statement indeed it is true that what doesn't kill makes you stronger because as one gets stronger each day life becomes very easy to understand even with its complications one can still pass to be great.I invite @temitopef @zormar21 @mjerry to come and participate in this contest.

Thank you..


In life there will always be unfavorable situations that we must face, overcoming them is giving us great teachings when we overcome them, from there comes a great inner strengthening that gives us the strength to continue and not die.
In your post you expose it clearly and emphatically. of what does not kill us, strengthens us, thank you very much for the kind invitation. I send a fraternal greeting and I wish you great success

 2 years ago 

I'm very happy you honoured my invitation ma'am. Your Kind words towards my article is highly appreciated. Thank you very much🙏

Thank you very much for having made the invitation.

 2 years ago 

Truly what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, Imagine after all the hatred from the uncle's wife, she still ends up taking over the company because she did not give up but continue working harder and at the end she was victorious. The story was an educating one, thanks for the invite.

 2 years ago 

I'm glad you went through my article dear friend, indeed what doesn't kill you make us stronger. Thank you very much🙏

There are sometimes when we think of pain as an obstacle, but in most cases, it's something that drives us to wants to do more and be better.

 2 years ago 

You are right sir, when life pushed us to some extent it gives us the chance to do better in life. Thank you for the kind words, your comment is highly appreciated.

Tu amiga Lily fue una persona con mucha resiliencia , a pesar de los obstáculos y que por un tiempo no vio la salida su constancia la hizo vencer y ahora le va mejor.
Esta frase lo que no te mata te hace más fuerte encaja perfectamente en ella y nos da una enseñanza que a pesar que el camino sea duro y difícil si nos esforzamos podremos triunfar.
Me encantó leerte
Saludos y bendiciones

Giving up is really a bad idea... Is good to try and try again cause one day you will definitely succeed.

Nice post dear, i really admire your writing.. keep it up👍

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much my dear friend, your comment is highly appreciated.

You're welcome dear

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