Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 35: Dealing with Emotions

in Steem4Nigeria5 months ago

I hope you all are fine with grace of Allah Almighty who is most merciful and beneficial. Today I am here to share with you guys about topic Dealing With Emotions. First of all i thanks to @steem4nigeria community for this beautiful contest. Let's start without wasting our time.




1)What is your understanding of emotions?

Emotions look like delightful fireworks that light up our internal world. They're the opinions and reactions we experience due to different conditions and events. Sentiments can be energetic, like the intensity of ruling a match, or hopeless, like the vibe of setback. They can be positive, like love and fulfillment, or negative, like shock and fear.

Sentiments oftentimes go with real sensations, like a dapper heart or a pack in the stomach. They can in like manner influence our contemplations and approaches to acting. For example, when we're merry, we could smile and chuckle, while when we're incensed, we could talk boisterously or hold our grasp hands.

Understanding our sentiments is huge in light of the fact that it helps us with investigating through life. It licenses us to see and perceive what we're feeling, and thereafter reply in a strong and fitting way. By checking our sentiments, we can all the more promptly administer pressure, create more grounded associations, and go with better decisions.

It's furthermore crucial to review that sentiments are standard and average. We overall experience numerous sentiments, and it is alright to feel them. It implies a lot to permit ourselves to feel and impart our sentiments, while moreover finding sound approaches to adjusting to them.


2)Have you ever had emotions that made you lose yourself? tell us about it.

Yes, once a day i was taking test from my acadmy students. Test was so difficult and lengthy. All the students feared from this test and also from me. Because i was a very strict teacher on that time. When test started and after an hour times up. Then i went to each student and took test. One of them was weeping and started weeping loudly when i went near her. Then i felt ambarrass and gave them ten minutes more for the test.

3)Explain 5 ways to deal with emotions.

The following are 5 methods for managing feelings:

  1. Perceive and recognize your feelings: Pause for a minute to distinguish what you're feeling. Name the inclination and acknowledge that feeling as such is OK.

  2. Express your feelings: Track down solid outlets to communicate your feelings, like conversing with a confided in companion or relative, writing in a diary, or taking part in imaginative exercises like work of art or playing music.

  3. Practice taking care of oneself: Deal with yourself actually and intellectually. Participate in exercises that give you pleasure and unwinding, such as working out, contemplating, or investing energy in nature.

  4. Foster solid survival methods: Track down sound ways of overseeing and adapt to your feelings. This could incorporate profound breathing activities, rehearsing care, or participating in side interests that help you unwind and loosen up.

  5. Look for help when required: Feel free to out for help while you're battling with overpowering feelings. Converse with an emotional wellness expert or look for help from helplines or support gatherings. Keep in mind, you don't need to confront your feelings alone.


4)Do you think emotions could hinder someone from achieving their dreams?

Totally! Feelings can at times be a two sided deal with regards to accomplishing dreams. While feelings can give us inspiration, enthusiasm, and drive, they can likewise block our advancement assuming we let them overwhelm us. For instance, dread and self-uncertainty can keep us away from facing challenges or seeking after our objectives. Essentially, inordinate pressure or tension can make it hard to concentrate and perform at our best. In any case, it's memorable's essential that feelings are a characteristic piece of being human, and it's the way we oversee and channel them that has an effect. By creating the capacity to understand people on a deeper level, rehearsing taking care of oneself, and looking for help when required, we can explore our feelings such that engages us to seek after and accomplish our fantasies. Along these lines, while feelings can introduce difficulties, they can likewise be impetuses for development and achievement on the off chance that we figure out how to bridle their power.




Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

Nicely written, thanks for sharing the experience that lead to the emotion that made you loose yourself, but I don't what to call this emotion maybe mercy or empathy what do you think @writer123

 5 months ago 

Absolutely. Emotions can be a real game-changer when it comes to chasing our dreams. On one hand, they can fuel us with inspiration, passion, and motivation to go after what we want. They can give us that extra push to take risks and pursue our goals. But on the other hand, emotions can sometimes hold us back if we let them overpower us. For instance, fear and self-doubt can prevent us from taking on challenges or going after our aspirations. And when we're overwhelmed with too much stress or anxiety, it can be tough to stay focused and perform at our best. It's all about finding that balance and learning how to channel our emotions in a positive way so they can help us reach our full potential. Wishing you all the best.

Being able to place a finger on the particular type of emotions one feels helps to trace the cause and if negative deal with it in the appropriate way.

Having been a victim of different emotions; both positive and negative, your first way of dealing with emotions is really on point.

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