# "Steam4Nigeria Accelerator Contest Wk4; Transparency in Marriage" #

in Steem4Nigerialast year (edited)

Good day or good evening everyone, my name remains wizzylayne and am glad to join you on these nice topic.
Briefly explainTransparency in a lay man's understanding.**

  • First of all let's look at the meaning of These two words "transparency" and "marriage".
    Transparency; can be defined in a lay mans word to being clear. It can also be defined as a quality of being open, plane or understandable by people. It's also a quality of being truthful towards your spouse in marriage.

What is your opinion on being Transparent in marriage ur relationship is?

  • My own opinion on transparency in marriage or relationship is that it will reduce and prevent of unnecessary conflict and arguments. It can also build a strong bond of trust and confidence in your partner in marriage.

In the case whereby one party finds out the other person's hidden secrets, what do you think should be done?

  • At these point, they are various options as I will enumerate them below;
  1. Prayers; most people do carry out these options, especially when their spouse isn't being truthful towards them and the don't to engage in arguments. And the believe that things could change.

  2. The man or woman who may fall victims of such also try to visit a marriage counselor or counseling sites online an reading of books too, the may also aid in resolving issues.

  3. The man or woman who may fall victims of such should be able to approach his or her partner to resolve their mistakes and find out reasons why it occurred and ways they could solve the scores out.

Have you experience in-transparency, what did you do?
-Yes I have...
Well for me I had an experience of such in my life. Truth be told. When I discovered she was being in-transparent with me or towards me, I had to let her be and I minded my business though we were only in a relationship not yet married. Though several times I try to iron out the issues but changes didn't occur. So I had to mind my own thing and business because she does things without being truthful n sincere and most especially she was always hiding things from me. So u couldn't continue in such a remote control relationship so I had to draw a line between I and the lady requesting for breakup. But all these happened after I had carried out those few steps I stated above. But nothing changed. In these case I will say at the end or to cut the long story short I finally realized it was due to the fact that was having and affaire with another man whom I knew not. Had it been she was open, plane as she ought to have been (transparent) hiding nothing from me, peace would had reigned. But it didn't so it later resulted in break-up an other casualties.

Can The Truth be Hidden Forever?

  • In life no matter how dark the night be, the sun shall set. Therefore the TRUTH can't be hidden forever.

Thank you

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