Pictures and paintings

in Steem4Nigeria6 months ago (edited)



Hello dear Nigerians and others, it is a pleasure to post in this community once again. Today I like to talk about pictures and paintings and what they have to do for man. So let's get started.


What do we know about pictures?
Pictures are what humans used to store memories of something that happened in the past. Pictures play a vital role in humans lives helping them to remember a happy or mournful event that took place years, months ,weeks or days ago. Picture can easily change the mood of humans, for example a human who is in the sad mood can easily be cheered up when looking at a cheerful picture. A picture can be collected into galleries and be stored in a particular place or store, one single picture of an event can make one remember the day he or she took the picture. It can encourage someone and make the person feel mournful. In conclusion pictures are very emotional things to look at


Paintings are what people do as hubby, in that way they use it to earn money, paintings for me are more of inspirational, and any painting I make inspires me to make another painting. In the olden days were the thought of inventing cameras were not there, people use painting as their cameras, but i am struck with awe how the artist will be able to perfectly design humans despite how small or large they may be. Some today still love paintings and that love of paintings can be seen when entering their house and seeing some paintings on the wall. Today some artist try to successfully draw or paint humans. Here is an example of what they did.
They are various type of painting

  1. Landscape painting: This type of painting involves more of land and its contents

  2. Seascape: This involve the painting of any source of water, either a river, stream, ocean, pond or lake

  3. Human painting: From the name it has to do with painting of humans.
    We should know that a painting can be imaginative or not.

That is what I can say regarding paintings and pictures, I hope you all enjoyed the post. Till next time


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