How do you view the future?

in Steem4Nigeria3 months ago




Writing again on this platform is indeed another joyful moment,
I want to write on the above topic ,I hope you guys had a good day ,I plead with you to read my post , comment , and also make contributions
Thank you so much do have a nice day see you ...

Do you believe we still have time in future when things will get better compared to how it's now.



The way the present situation is now,I don't think there's is hope for the future especially in the present economic system of my country Nigeria , thing are getting worse on daily basis . Right From when I was a child they always said things will be ok instead of getting better but the situation is worse.

I think our prayers should be that God should provide for us to be able to adapt with the system no matter how the situation may sky rocket .

Do you believe that our plans today determines our better future. Justify your answers.



Yes I strongly believe that our plans today determines our future.
There a saying that our people use to say that "the way you lay you bed is how you will lie on it ", another one says "if you fail to plan that t definitely plan to fail"

How we plans today determines our better tomorrow,if we plan well definitely we will eat the fruit of it but if we decide to foole our hands and expect manner to fall from heaven the outcome will not be friendly.

How well are you prepared for the future.

By God special grace I have tried my best investing on landed properties and into real estate business and still planning on investing on on other business I strongly believe that the future will not be that difficult by God grace.

Do you think the world will get better , worse or even stay the same ?



The world will be better in some parts of the world depending on the leadership of the country, Nigeria Is highly corrupt country ,the leaders who want their own selfish interest who does not want any thing good for the people.
There in is no hope for this country.


The country dose not have Future and hope, unless God in his infinite mercy intervene on our behalf by giving us a good leader who will be able to come and turn things around by doing away from stealing public funds then invest in the economic growth then we can think of a better country in due time.those in this country will understand what am talking about thanks I rest my case .see you guys on my next post.

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