Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)|S12W2-“Self Motivation”steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem4Nigeria10 months ago

Hello everyone, accept warm greeting from my mother-land Cameroon. Once more welcome to my own blog today.It’s another exciting week for me to partake in this week2 Steemit Engagement challenge.It’s a pleasure sharing my thoughts with the given topic “Self Motivation”.


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Motivation can be in two ways individual self induced and external motivation from people. That is intrinsic and Extrinsic motivations all aimed at encouraging someone .To do more work hard inorder to achieve his or her goals at the end.In the nutshell, below 👇.I will be sharing my own thoughts based on the guidelines questions.

What do you think cause people to loose their motivation in life ?

Motivation can be defined as an induced, force or stimulation that can make some to react or act in a particular manner.This encourages someone for example an employee to work hard for the benefit of positive high out for the company .Aim at achieving goals which was set for to hit the target .



I think what makes most people to loose their motivation in life can be due to self distrust , illness, trauma, failure , living a struggling life (poverty), lack of incentives,Depression etc. Also, lack of good mentor or mentorship causes people to loose motivation.I remembered when I was in secondary school, My dad never had money but make sure he provided us with all our school needs and paid our schools on time .To me this was a motivation that my dad gave me to love school and to make sure I studied hard to make myself proud and my dad and to become a better person in future.

Also, I remembered, in primary 5 that I took number 25 out of 45.Immediately I arrived home that day and brother was shouting at me for not performing well .My dad at thesame time was mad at me .later my dad told me in a calm way that I should try and be serious with my book work .He promised to give a gift if I take one digit number next termed this boost my desire to work hard and perform well in school.

Have you been discourage or di pressed how did you handle it ?


Yes of coursed have been discouraged in some situations I passed through .I remembered when I graduated from Higher teacher training college.I had the mind to obtain my bachelor degree which is 1year after the obtaining your diploma.I stayed for 3years feeling very discouraged to go back to school .This was because I got married ,having a son at that time all was about building my home.

I felt like I will just waste my money to go back to school because it will be a huge commitment. To be taking care of my family , my kid and self with other things aside and going to school at the same time.After sometime, I decided to take challenge to go back to school, naturally I love education and am happy my husband encouraged me too .To hold in a year I obtained my bachelor degree with an outstanding result .Right now I have applied back to continue with my masters studies.

Is self-Motivation a good practice ? Explain ?

Yes of course self motivation is a very practice for everyone .I think when you have a positive zeal to do some thing even an external motivation is added .It will be a good praticebecause the willingness will be there since you already have that self intrinsic motivation to do it.Self motivation help to keep on working hard without giving up .It’s good to believe in yourself first before any other person can believe you can do some thing great .Therefore self motivation is good to be practice .


On Steemit what keep you motivated

Steemit have made me to be a good content creator.Being a blogger makes me feel good with a smile on my face .I have acquired a lot of skills thanks Steemit and this has motivated me to stay active always on this platform.Also, the Supports I received from the steemit team and from my fellow steemians motivates me to be comfortable with Steemit. All these have keep my stay on Steemit without any doubt.

I have come to the end of my discussion, I will to invites @anroja @wilmer1988 @crismenia @josepha and @fi25 to participate in this contest.

 10 months ago 

That's right, friend, many times the motivation is caused by ourselves or by third parties, because we expect much more from them than what we get from them.

Having several responsibilities at the same time like when you were doing it with your studies is usually a little more difficult, but the most important thing is that you found a point of balance and achieved overcome this stage of your life.

Steemit is a place where, through creativity, it keeps us motivated and inspired.

Success and blessings!

 10 months ago 

Thanks for the support dear friend, yes life is about self motivation before others can support .

La motivación puede venir de diferentes razones ya sea en el trabajo y hasta en nosotros mismos para mantener un buen estado de ánimo, lo ideal es que en cualquier parte que estemos sentir motivación por lo que estemos haciendo, me imagino como se sintió al pensar que solo sería un año y tuvo que esperar 3 no es para nada agradable.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

 10 months ago 

Thanks for engaging in my
Post dear friend

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