The Diary Game|| 13-04-2024 || Attending My Aunt's Convocation ceremony and Achievement Celebration Of 6 Dolphins (30k Steem Power) by @goodybest

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago

Saturday remains one of the most stressful day in the course of the week. This is because the week is brought to evaluation. Saturday, 13 April 2024 was exciting and stressful because I had to attend dual events. Here is how it went:

I woke up cheerfully because I knew that the day will bring more exciting adventures. After the morning devotion, I resorted to ensuring that the surroundings is clean. I wonder why Saturday is usually associated with Sanitation. Maybe it's because they have the same initial "S". I had to make preparations to attend the events I needed to attend.


If you are wondering what those events were, it was my Aunt's Convocation ceremony and the achievement celebration of 6 Dolphins 🐬 (30k Steem Power) by @goodybest. The first event was scheduled to hold by 10am. But my mum and I went there a bit late because she had to purchase food items in the market before moving there. The proposed venue of that convocation ceremony was National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN).

The First Event

Arriving there, we saw a large numbers of crowd. We had to locate my Aunt which we eventually saw her. We exchanged pleasantries and she directed us to where our family members were. I was just excited to meet my Aunties, Uncles, Cousins and other members of the family. We decided to savor the moment taking photographs. After the photography session, we went for the reception at the unity park.

There, we had our best time as we refreshed ourselves with foods and drinks. We also had the celebration dance as I took excuse to be the photographer. Being a photographer exposes one to several goodies. Checking my time, it was almost 3 O' clock which indicate the beginning of another event. I had to say farewell and moved to the second event.


The Second Event

The celebrant herself

Locating the venue of the second event wasn't easy, so I had to call @bossj23 for direction. After meeting at our proposed meeting point (Total Energies), we moved to the location together. We (Bossj23 and I) were the first arrived guests. Other came in as time went by. The celebrant who doubled as a Steem representative came to grace the event.

The event featured an opening speech by the celebrant (goodybest), description of Steemit platform by @ngoenyi, words of advice by @benton3, quiz session by Bossj23, etc. The cake was cut and distributed. Refreshments like egg rolls, biscuits and drinks were shared. We even had a dance session who featured the winner of cough (Odo) challenge, Bossj23.


Photography session is no omitted because of it's immense value. The event ended and everyone moved back to their destination. It was an exciting experience but I was too tired that I can't move a muscle. I slept off in peace.

Thanks for Reading


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Curated by : @𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖺𝖽𝗂

I appreciate this support @heriadi

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

The proper tag to use for Twitter Promotion is #steem #steemit $steem. These should always be the first 3 tags

Noted, pls can I change it?

Have changed it successfully inputing the recommended tags.

 2 months ago 

It was nice having you around, thank you so much, and a very hearty congratulations to your auntie!

Your ambience during the event was greatly felt. I should say that you made my weekend exciting and fun filled. Thanks for that meetup and wishing you greater heights ahead. I appreciate the congratulatory note.

 2 months ago 

I just love the way you minimised the use of pictures that may not be necessary in this diary game entry. It was more than fun yesterday and and was a day to remember. Can't wait to see you hit that milestone in no time. I learnt a lot from the wholesome association brought forward. Thanks for mentioning me.

Yesterday was just an exciting moment for me. From the time we arrived to the moment we left, it was just all fun. It's truly a day to remember. With consistency and patience, I know that I'll reach that milestone. Thanks for the observation and valuable comment.

 2 months ago 

I'm definitely sure of that


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