All people, regardless of rich or poor, aged or youth, status, background, social orientation and race, have the same time period allocated to them. Time is one of the few things we have in life in a fair measure. This is why time is most times referred to as the gift of life to man. We receive this gift at birth, and we have it till we die. But it is left for us to decide how we are going to make use of this gift.


When the day begins at dawn, time moves without waiting for anyone and in exactly 24 hours a new day will begin. Since time starts the same for everyone, whatever we do with our time and the result is entirely our responsibility. If we don't use our time effectively, we lose that time for ever, along with things we could have achieve with that allocated time.

When we use our time correctly, things begin to work out well for us creating more opportunities for us to achieve out goal. Often times opportunities don't come alone, they come with challenges. This is why most times, its not uncommon to see people make statements like "new day new challenges". But when you look beyond the challenge, you will be able to see that the opportunity lies in the challenge.

Whenever we are presented with an opportunity, it is usually limited in time - there is a set deadline for doing so. Remember that if you miss an opportunity, you may not get back in shape as you started. Opportunities should not wait for you, but people should be prepared to wait for opportunities when they arise. How do you spend your time today, what will your future look like.

What you see today is largely the effect of your past actions. Likewise, your actions today and how you use them today will determine your future, and of course your future. Postponing the actions you have to take today will only deprive you of the opportunity to take steps in the right direction. Also, it may not make tomorrow's work easier than today.

Nothing destroys opportunity like procrastination, because most of the time, procrastination has the same consequences as outright rejection. Many opportunities for greatness are lost by procrastination. The issue with procrastination is that the people most directly affected by it may not realize it until it is too late.


Procrastination is often a manifestation of fear: fear of risk, fear of failure, fear of the unknown, etc. However, when you put all these fears aside and take action, you will realize that these fears are only a small part of your imagination. If you know what you have to lose by not acting fast, you won't need anyone to remind you to do the right thing in all situations.

Thank You.

Read, Ponder, Love.
© whileponderin

 2 years ago 

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