How important is punctuality to you?

in Steem4Nigeria9 months ago

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What does punctuality mean to you?

In my view, punctuality is absolutely crucial for a person. Doing everything on time shows someone's manners and responsibility. If a person is constantly late in their duties and tasks, it really reflects poorly on them.

Being on time isn’t just a task; it’s a matter of etiquette too. For example, if I promise to meet a friend and then show up late, it's disrespectful to them. Similarly, if someone isn't ready on time for work, it negatively affects their colleagues and the whole workflow.


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From where I stand, it's essential for everyone to understand the importance of time in their lives, or else success will be out of reach. The world operates on the backbone of punctuality. For instance, trains run on schedule, or else people can't travel. Schools have set times for classes so that children can learn.

Our society functions on punctuality. If everyone was lax about their duties and timing, the world would be in chaos. No system would work properly. Imagine if doctors were to arrive late at hospitals, or if airline pilots didn’t show up on time? So, everyone should value time and fulfill their duties accordingly.

That’s why I always try to be punctual to any commitments I’ve made. Sometimes, I've had to change my plans just to keep a promise to meet someone. It's my responsibility. Yes, I accept that sometimes things are out of our control. For example, we can be delayed by a traffic jam. But in such cases, we should inform others ahead of time. Otherwise, it may seem like we don't respect them. I believe that if we value time and live up to our responsibilities, we lead successful lives.

Could you enumerate and elucidate the significance of punctuality in life?

To me, punctuality holds immense importance in life. First off, it allows us to live our daily lives more effectively. If we don't arrive on time for work, our productivity drops, and delays creep into our tasks. However, if we're ready on time, work gets done easily.

Secondly, punctuality strengthens our ethical relationships with friends and family. Keeping the promises we make to meet them deepens our friendships and love. But endless delays can upset people.

Thirdly, punctuality earns us respect and esteem. When we complete tasks on time in an institution or organization, people trust us. We're seen as responsible individuals.

Moreover, punctuality ensures that essential societal functions like healthcare, transport, and education run smoothly. Without it, these areas would suffer, causing inconvenience.

To wrap it up, punctuality allows us to fulfill our responsibilities efficiently. It's the secret to our success and happiness. Time is a precious gift that gives us the chance to live better lives. It's our duty to use it wisely.

How do you comprehend the proverb “The early bird gets the worm”, and do you believe it is true?

The proverb "The early bird gets the worm" suggests that those who start early in the day tend to achieve more success in life, and I believe there is much truth to it. The essence of this saying is that those who arrive early reap more benefits.

Sleep is indeed wonderful, but oversleeping can be a waste of time. Those who rise from deep sleep often take time to become fully alert. In contrast, those who get to work early in the morning have a sharper mind and can toil throughout the day.

Those who sleep in often find themselves in a constant chase. By the time they reach the office, their mental energy is depleted, resulting in less productivity and effort. Fortune favors the one who starts work early.

Yes, there are some who may be more productive at night and prefer working during those hours. However, the danger lies in the habit of waking up late, as it can be detrimental. Those who habitually wake up late always lag behind and seldom achieve success.

In my opinion, there is great wisdom in this proverb. The person who begins their work on time is the one who progresses in life. I agree with the saying “The early bird gets the worm,” which means that those who come first gain more. Whether it's a career move or any other first step in life, one should always strive to be on time. Being late might mean missing out on opportunities. Punctuality is essential to showcase one's capabilities and to succeed.

The saying goes, “It’s better late than never”. Do you agree with this viewpoint, and if so, could you explain why?

As for the saying “It’s better late than never,” I wholeheartedly agree with it and here’s why:

In life, there are many tasks that we can't accomplish on time. Regardless of the reason, be it our own fault or someone else’s, tasks get delayed. But this doesn’t mean we should abandon the work. Better late than never, the task should be completed.

For instance, if a deadline for an assignment or project has passed, but you still complete it with effort, the teacher may accept it. If you start preparing for an exam late but study intensively, you can still score well. If you're late in preparing for a job interview, you can still perform well and potentially get the job.

Indeed, a task done on time is preferable because we avoid pressure and maintain productivity. But if circumstances cause delays, it’s useless to fret. Forget what has happened and focus on making the most of the remaining time. The advantage of being late is that you come to appreciate the time you still have.

Therefore, I say better late than never. If an initial opportunity is missed, do not despair. Often, even if late, success can be achieved through persistence. Time lost cannot be reclaimed, but make the most of the time you have left. The doors to success are always open; you just need the courage and determination to knock on them.

Another interpretation of this viewpoint could be that sometimes we hurry too much, like if someone is late for the office and, fearing a reprimand from the boss, drives their bike recklessly, he could end up in an accident. In such cases, it's better to be late than to rush without keeping your composure. A lost job can be regained, but a lost life cannot be returned.

I trust that you enjoyed reading my article. 😊

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 03-Nov-2023 | Achievement 1
 9 months ago 

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It's been a while friend,trust you're have presented beautifully just as always. I wish you the very best in your entry.

Thanks a bunch for your kind words and good wishes. I really appreciate it. 🙂

 9 months ago 

I am kind of crazy about punctuality so I always arrive a few minutes before even if I have to wait outside. I think in my job if a person is not punctual, he will miss the opportunity. Punctuality to me is doing everything on time and carefully.

 9 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

La puntualidad es vital porque, ella define lo responsable que somos y, la ética de respecto que podemos ejecutar por lo tanto, me declaro fan empedernida de la puntualidad.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you. 🙂


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Thanks for the support @eliany. It really means a lot to me. 😊

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