Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 37: Away From Home

in Steem4Nigeria4 months ago (edited)
What is your definition of "Home"

"Home" is more than mere shelter; it's a place where one finds refuge, belonging, and comfort. It consist of memories, traditions, and a sense of identity.We can build a home physically, emotionally and psychologically and it all bond to "WHAT" and "WHO" we surround ourselves with.We often hear people say I want to build a home but it all to you to decide the kind of home you want to build. From a physical perspective, it's a space where one's basic needs are met, where we retreat from the outside world and express our personality through decor and design. Emotionally, home is where bonds are nurtured, families gather, and love is shared. It's a place where we feel understood, accepted, and supported. Psychologically, home provides stability, security, and a sense of autonomy, fostering mental well-being and personal growth.
It's where I can feel relaxed, accepted, and able to be myself. "Home" can be a house, a group of people or any space where you feel connected and at ease. Home is far from just a place on a map but an elementary part of the human experience, shaping our perceptions, relationships, and overall quality of life.


I really love traveling and I use the slightest opportunity I have to travel because I get to admire nature and explore certain aspects of lives and other people's culture.I have been away from home numerous times. I have been to Calabar, Port Harcourt and Lagos and I must say it was worth it.



Oh well, I have been to three different places and met different people and the experiences were all good and I was glad I went far from home but I really can't say the same to my stay at Port Harcourt city. My stay at Port Harcourt was mixed with happiness, sadness, regret and what have you. I was all happy that I will be living in Port Harcourt in 3 days to our soon to be In- law, just to spend a couple of weeks before school resumption. Everyone could literally see the excitement on my face because I'm finally going to see this handsome man that has been spoiling me with gifts. I arrived at Port Harcourt on its due date, I was given a warm welcome and I really enjoyed my stay the first 3 days but my remaining weeks were not so good. On one of the occasion, I happen to take a tour around the house and I saw one of the rooms that I was showed to on my day off arrival, I tried opening the door it was locked and I just left but late at night, I was on my way to kitchen to eat because I do get hungry most times late at night and I heard little sound and cry of someone and I pushed to listen then I opened the door tho I was scared and I saw my Aunt fiance making out with another person, I was disappointed and I quietly closed the door and left. On another occasion, a very sad one, we lost a baby, aunty Eddy just conceived a month before I visited and she has just lost her 7weeks ago baby due to wrong administration of drugs. It was really a sad day. On my last week at Port Harcourt, I decided to go have some fun and see the city of port Harcourt before I return to my parents house. There i was at this sitout with uncle Stin, a family member to my aunty fiance, i must say I had a lot of fun out there with uncle Stin but it didn't go so well. On our way to the house, we had an accident but I'm grateful to God none of us died but we were injured tho it wasn't that serious. I came back to the house that night crying, full of regrets and a lot of things crossed my mind which made me decide that I was going to leave in the next 2 days. I made that decision because I have seen more of the bad part than the good scene I came to Port Harcourt and it was not a wonderful sight to behold. So my visit to Port Harcourt didn't go as I expected.


If you're given another opportunity to be away from home to the same place you visited, would you go? Give us reasons.

Yes, I will because I miss my aunt and I enjoyed Port Harcourt even though the last journey wasn't that enjoyable I'm hopeful the next will be better.
I got to go to a lot of recreational centers in Port Harcourt that is not in uyo where I live and I also got to explore more .


I have been away from home to many places but there's definitely no place compared to home. Home has to be the best and can't be compared to any where else.


I invite @adachukwu , @zekanem and @imadear to participate in this contest

 4 months ago 

@victorlives. Being away from home can bring a mix of experiences, as you've shared. It's understandable how such incidents can leave lasting impressions. Your honesty about your time in Port Harcourt is commendable. It's heartening to see your willingness to give it another chance for the sake of reconnecting with family and exploring more. Safe travels on your next journey.


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