My Neighborhood Watch #39 - Reporting Events Around us

in Steem4Nigeria4 months ago


The emergence of streetlights...
Coming back home to Ikot Ekpene after a long while in school, I was astonished on seeing the illuminating view of streetlights mounted on almost all the streets. For most rural areas, this was a big improvement and an exciting one at that.

This improvement however, didn't last long. Recently, it's been raining heavily and mostly at night. This rain is preceded by strong winds which keep falling trees, removing roofs, destroying buildings and the streetlight wasn't left out.
Some streetlights were fallen due to the strength of the wind and probably improper fixing from the pole itself. This new development leaves people scared as to when a pole would fall and if it would fall on anyone.

Courtesy of the wind, the power supply poles weren't exempted either as a few were destroyed as well. This was actually the part the disturbed me a lot because having stayed here for a very long while, I know things like this always takes years to get them fixed in working conditions again.

It takes a day, just a moment even to destroy them but months of waiting and hearing rumors to get them fixed. As my fears would have their way, one of the pole that has wires connected and supplying light to our house was fallen by the wind as well and as expected, they've been no light after that.

Now, the current situation is streetlights with no home lights. No power supply actually makes living a little stressful because you now have to source out for power if you don't have a generator of course or just endure and hope.

Charging of phone is now something to think of, nights with heat and rain is also a thought to consider and there's also reliance on petrol to generate electricity. With the current state of the economy, this is definitely not the kind of news we love to hear but here it is anyway.
We keep living through it all while hoping for a better improvement.

Thank you, @xkool24 for organizing this contest. I'm inviting my friends @nsijoro, @whizzbro4eva, @uduak01, @uduak3287 and @bossj23 to participate

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