7 Simple Tips That'd Extend the Life and Performance of Your Laptop

in Steem4Nigerialast month
Hello, my fellow Steemian friends!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Your laptop is an essential tool for your work and everyday life. To prevent problems and keep your device running smoothly, it is advisable to practice healthy habits. I have compiled 7 easy tips to maintain your personal computer, so you spend less on repairs.

1. Keep food and drinks away
Photo by Sam Lion:

When liquids and other edible materials are in close proximity to your personal computer, there is a possibility that they would spill. That single accidental spill can damage your PC's internal component. Try keeping your laptop at a safe distance during lunchtime or coffee breaks. This would ensure you don't end up losing the documents, pictures and memories stored up on your laptop.

2. Clean the dust at least once weekly
Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels

Dust buildup traps heat and this shortens your PC's lifespan. Use a soft clean cloth to wipe its surface once or twice every week. Also, you could use compressed air to gently blow dust out of vents.

3. Shutdown your computer occasionally, don't just hibernate
Photo by Ken Tomita from Pexels

This is mainly for hibernators. Lol. I discovered that running programs and surfing the internet creates temporary files that clutter your system. Restarting your PC frequently clears these files, freeing up disk space and potentially improving your laptop's performance.

4. Keep your PC plugged to electricity
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

The belief is that constant plug in can damage your device's battery. But this may not be the case as keeping your laptop plugged in makes it rely on the electricity, not your battery. You could strike a balance by using your battery occasionally to keep it healthy.

5. Use flat surfaces only
Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

Soft surfaces like beds, pillows, and even the laps block airflow, leading to overheating. Keep your laptop on a flat, hard surface like a desk for proper ventilation. This simple step improves your laptop's performance and prevents future meltdowns (literal and metaphorical).

6. Defrag for speed and optimal performance
Photo by George Milton from Pexels

Over time, your hard drive gets fragmented. Files get scattered and this slows things down. Defragmenting your hard drive bi-weekly or monthly rearranges these files for optimal performance. Your laptop would appreciate this.

7. Update softwares always

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Using outdated softwares leaves you at the mercy of hackers. You can prevent potential malware attacks by updating your softwares often. Set your system to update automatically for peace of mind and uninstall applications you no longer use.

Thank you for reading. Tell me your objections and what you agree to most.

Written by @ukpono on 22 May 2024


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