#Club100 || THEDAIRYGAME || 30/09/2022 || MY FRIDAY ACTIVITIES

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

Hello everyone,
Is another beautiful day and we give praises and thanks to Allah for all the good things He has done for us.
More over, I’m here to share with you guys how my Friday went.


I wake up every early this morning because, mostly Fridays are very short and also, I have a lot of work to do on Fridays.

So due to that, I wake up early so that I can do whatever I have to do for the day on time before I can go for my jummah prayers.

I Also wake up early because I had a call from my dad yesterday and he ask me to write some verses in the Quran.

And writing that verse is really not easy to write.
So I have to wake up early so that I can start early and finish early.

And after I finished my morning routine, I then took the the things I used to write and arranged them so that I can start to write what my dad ask me to write.

So after i finish arranging them, I then started to write.
And it was easy honestly because I normally do the writing with my brothers and sometimes my uncle also pass by to help me but there was nothing like that.
I was just alone to face all the work.

And honestly, it took me so long before I was able to finish the work.



And this was when I was writing. And i really enjoyed writing it.
But I was so tired and exhausted after writing.
So after I finished writing, I wanted to go inside my room and sleep small but I was not lucky because as at the time I finished, it was time for me to send my mom to the market.

And I have no option them to send her to the market because is my duty to do so.

And from my house to the Market is far. So she can’t walk and go.
So I took my motor and send her to the market.
So when I came back, I went inside and sleep small.
I only sleep for like 45 minutes and it was time for jummah prayers.

So I wake up and got myself prepared for the prayers.
I when to the mosque so early and when I reach there, the mosque was still empty.
There was not many people in the mosque.



And this was when I entered the mosque.
I was there then the Cheif imman came. And I did whatever i have to do before the Cheif imman start his speech.

And his speech was really nice and interesting and i really enjoyed going to the mosque early.

And he didn’t spent much time in his speech.
It was so short and it really contain a lot of advice to everyone who happens to be in the mosque.

So after he finished his speech, we started to pray.
And we didn’t spend much time in praying. We spend like 15 minutes in praying.

So after praying I came out to wait for my uncle so that I can pick him to the house.



And this was when we finished praying.
And I was outside waiting for my uncle so that I can take him to the house.

And we got to the house so fast.
And when we got to the house, I was so hungry but I was lucky enough that my sister cook food.
So I ask her to save some for me so that I eat.

So after I finished eating the food, I slept and I wake up in the evening and this was how my day went.
Thank you!!!


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