Contest Alert: "I Did Not Quit"

in Steem4Nigeria6 months ago


Good evening my country people and all my steemit friends in diaspora, I trust I've met you well and your day went well too. I'm glad to participate in this contest organized by @ihorgic on the topic "I did not quit", the topic is kind of personalized,and it could have been birthed out from a place of sober reflection, I must say thank you for bringing it to bare.

I am still that your friend with the username @tripple-e.

There is a quote I love so much from Henry Ford that says;

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." - Henry Ford

Please follow me as I'll be answering the hint questions:-

👉What do you understand by the word Quit?


I understand the word "quit" to mean; To stop doing something, maybe you've been trying out a particular thing and it's not yielding the particular result or outcome you envisioned, you can decided to quit by not trying again.

Quitting can also be said to "surrender" or give up on bad habits; for instance: someone can say "I quit smoking or I quit drinking".

Another of my understanding of the word quit is to resign, for instance; someone can say "I quit or resign from my job". Like me I resign from my job early this year, because I didn't have that job satisfaction any more.

Let me share some of the words that are synonymous to "quitting". There are:-
Throw in the towel
To give up
To mention but a few...

👉Have you ever being at the verge of quiting/giving up before? What were the challenges?

YES, I have been at the verge of giving up on different occasions but I want to share a challenge or a scenario that was very conspicuous ;-

There's this aunt of mine I was growing up with, though she's late now, she was childless at the time so she went and adopted a baby with a promise to me that if I helped her nurture and take care of the baby that she would sponsor my university education, so I obliged in order to relieved my mum off some loads, so I took care of the baby till she was two years old, then I got admission into the university to studied Theatre Arts, I was happy that my dream came true at last not knowing that, that joy was going to be short lived. After paying my first semester tuition fee, this woman abandoned me in school and said she was not my mother. I was heart broken, devastated, disappointed and frustrated, how would I survive in a tertiary institution without any sponsor, my grades were affected because I couldn't concentrate to read, I was at the verge of giving up but God came through for me mightily, so I managed to complete my year one with the help of friends.

👉How did you overcome the challenges, (practical steps would be much appreciated) and how did you feel afterward.

I remembered the word of God concerning me in the book of Jeremiah 29:11 that says..

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
-- Jeremiah 29:11

So when I completed my year one. I wrote to my school board on permission to suspend my studies for a period of one year due to financial constraints, the permission was approved. During that one year I went and got a job, I was working as jack, I saved enough money came back and resumed school, although that my classmates were a level ahead of me but I didn't mind knowing that at least I was back to school, and I was very happy about that.
In anything you do, determination is the key my friends.

👉What's your advice for those in your shoes?


My darlings, no one would clap hands for you because you fail but people will celebrate you when you succeed. My people would say that, "the downfall of a man is not the end of his life", the ability for you to brace up after a fall would be very commendable, so let determination be your watch word for I see a light at the end of that tunnel. So keep holding on, never give up.




Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 6 months ago 



It's good you didn't quit, sometimes it looks like quitting is the easiest way but quitting takes you to the end of the line.

 6 months ago 

You're absolutely right, thank you for contributing i appreciate

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 6 months ago 

I enjoy reading your write up, your style of words, the way you construct your words are unique and most importantly your post is understandable. If we're to define quit in our different understanding maybe the provides space here will not be enough, sometimes the word quit indicates sadness for instance you've been given a quit noticed, pack and go and it can also represent happiness for instance, resigning from a job you no longer have interest on. Good luck on advance ma'am.

 6 months ago 

Thank you dear friend for your contribution and your well wishes

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 6 months ago 

Always welcome 🤗🤗

 6 months ago 


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