Contest: The Root of all Evils

in Steem4Nigeria4 months ago


Money is a medium of exchange that is centralized, generally accepted, recognized, and facilitates transactions of goods and services.Money is a part of the human society and has been the major tool for the exchange of goods and services for a long time now.Money is simply a commodity given in exchange for a value. Value appreciates or depreciates according to how much a person presents it as essential.

Do you think money is really the root of all evil, or do you think it's more about how people use money that can lead to bad things happening?

If a person has a car, does the person now become pompous? Certainly not, we know vehicles could be used as a means of transportation and what have you. Likewise money can be just a tool and not necessarily incite or influence it's usage. It's usage is dependent on the person who defines it's value.when people become obsessed with accumulating wealth at any cost, this opens windows of exploitation and most likely the obsession and possession accumulation is at the detriment of others. Thus, as clearly stated from Scriptures, the love of money is the root of all evil.

Can you think of any examples where money has actually done some good, like helping people in need or supporting good causes?

A retrospective look into statements by our parents in the late 20th century and early 21st century of not allowing their children pass through the same fate as them and so working long hours in menial jobs just to earn decently so their children can get a "white collar job" hereby lifting the family from poverty is an example of the good money has done for a lot of families, however not many families got very lucky.

How do you personally see money in your own life? Do you think of it as a tool to achieve your goals and create opportunities, or do you have a different way of looking at it?

Money is given in exchange for a value and in today's society money is used to create better opportunities to produce value and aid money, so money is a tool used to bring goals and create opportunities, money also helps needs and so a balance in my mind on spending based on needs and not wants and reaching out to someone creates a blend on how money is viewed.

Have you ever seen situations where people doing anything for money caused problems or made things unfair?

One very important aspect of the unfairness desperation has caused is the checks Nigerians get at airports. Airport security measures were put in place to ensure the safety and security of all passengers, regardless of their nationality.Airport security checks involve various factors, such as passenger profiling, random selection and adherence to international security protocols. These measures are designed to identify potential security threats and ensure the safety of all passengers and crew members.However, in recent times being a Nigerian is a profiling of it's own as the majority faces the brunt of the minority. Nigerians are seen as criminals or what have you due to the reputation that Nigerians are scammers, fraudulent people to deal with to name a few of the labels bringing an unparallel view to the Nigerian passport as opposed to any other passport in the world.


The values people gain over time form the basics of their character, being in a place of opportunity only magnifies the values we have, if we have developed good values money can be used for good, there are philanthropist who go out to help humanity; sort out hospital bills, award scholarships, feed the poor etc, and there are those who due to their values cause more people to suffer so they can have more to fill their lust. Therefore money in the hands of whomever becomes whatever the handler decides it must be.

I would like to invite @kelvinblaq @uduak1 @kemsyluv to take this challenge

 4 months ago 

@triple-a, your thoughtful exploration of money's role in society is insightful. Your analogy of money as a tool, akin to a car, and the emphasis on individual responsibility in its usage, adds depth to the discussion. The example of airport profiling highlights real-world consequences. Well-articulated views on money's positive and negative potential.

 4 months ago 

Thank you for your feedback, I am grateful you found time to go through my write up

 4 months ago 

Money is indeed the number one means of exchange and it's usage depends on who is in power of it.nice article

You have told us that the love of money, not money itself, is the root of evil. Your examples show that money can be a force for good, supporting those in need and contributing to health initiatives. Personally, you see money as a tool to achieve your creative goals and create opportunities for yourself and others. Sharing the impact of money-related disputes in your mom's community adds depth to your insights. Thanks for sharing your thoughtful views!

 4 months ago 

Thank you for finding time to read my piece, your reply means a lot to me

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