Struggled To Learn

in Steem4Nigeria28 days ago (edited)



Good evening my fellow steemians @steem4nigeria,it's always a pleasant always writing @steeem4nigeria community. Guys I want to use this privilege to share to you guys the skill I acquired while in school and the benefits towards it.

Me being the first child of the family and a male child in that case,I've always struggled to find anything doing for myself cause I know I'm not going to depends on my parents all the time . Though both my parents are civil servants thy never want me going out to see the real world but me I never felt happy seeing my friends going out acquiring skills for themselves,so sometimes this hindrance makes me feel like I'm being left out or my parents don't really care about me.

So at certain year ,around when I was in senior secondary School 1(SSS1) or so I decided to meet my neighbor who was a phone engineer to seek for help from him( asking him if I can come an acquire this phone repair skills from )at my surprised he suddenly accepted but he gave me terms and conditions .


My Boss

The terms and conditions he given me was that he just need me to take the skills serious,I should be focus in life ,I should put all my efforts to learn the skills that he's willing to learn me the skills without any token , this particular statement amazed me cause that has been the biggest favour someone has ever given me.

But he told that I should go seek for my mom permission first, though I wasn't willing on telling my mom cause she won't give me her consent on the skills.

mentor_IMG_17149377106791619.jpgMy Boss Phone Repair Stand

After about one week later I've decided to inform my mom about it. She refused me on the offer my boss given me and this was so terrible me losing my only opportunity to acquire a skills for myself. She was giving me all sort of excuses to hinder me to go out there and learn the skills but as a smart boy a I also convinced her but with though she wasn't still convinced let me go out. She was telling me that the guy had another mindset before he was willing to learn the skills for free.

With all the excuses she was giving me to prevent me not to learn the skills,I still went against her , though it wasn't right of me but I needed to acquire the skills which was very important to me. Me in particular I was already gifted the skills of being able to handle electrical and electronic, so I was able to acquire the phone repair in short time.

After all the struggles at first ,my mom was still finding ways to prevent me of going to work cause while acquiring this phone repair skills I was also going to school it was a double load on me . Coming back from school by 2pm , Washing all the dirty plates before going to work just to prevent my mom from having any complain that I'm not doing anything at home,so I avoided all the talks.




After about six months later my mom's phone spoiled having charging problem, I repaired the phone for her and it started charging as usual,so this actually made her to realized that maybe she supporting me from acquiring a skills for myself wasn't really a good thing as a mother. Sometimes while going to work I always struggled to the work place with an empty stomach not as if there is wasn't food at home but not to makes my mom feel bad about me learning the skills, sometimes she says that phone repairs isn't a good skills that it don't bring enough money to the table.

Sometimes my aims on learning skills wasn't just that I want to use at my younger age to open a business for myself, l learnt the skills just shows that I've a skills I can actually work on. Me in particular I'm willing to explore other skills apart from phone repair(fashion designer, graphics designs etc)


I just want to advise my fellow Steemit who are parents out there to endeavor to make sure the hear from their children the kind of skills the want acquire for the main time,just to make them expose about life cause it isn't sponsoring a child to school is the most important thing but enabling them acquire tangible skills can be at benefits to them at the future.



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