Steem4Nigeria Accelerator Contest Week5- My Life Mistakes and How I Intend to Correct Them

in Steem4Nigerialast year (edited)
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Hello beautiful Nigerians and friends of Steemit. I bring you greetings from my base, Lagos Nigeria. It's another beautiful week and I am here again to participate in our contest as usual.

In this week's contest, we are to talk about our past mistakes and our plans to correct them. You can access the contest post here if you missed it.

Life is full of ups and downs. Just same way success is inevitable if you apply the right rules, mistakes are also inevitable if you miss it.

Personally, I have made lots of mistakes which came as a result of impromptu decision taking and some other factors.

Though the most important is that I have learnt my lessons.

What are the mistakes you think you have made since you were born?
Wrong Relationships

Basically in the past I have made a couple of mistakes in the area of relationships. Though they were not totally bad relationships, they were not bad people, they didn't miss lead me.

But the relationships were not with people of the same vision with me.

This saying that goes like this "Iron sharpens iron" is a very true saying.

The kind of relationships we make while growing up matters a lot. If you have a vision and a purpose, it's best to locate people with same vision and purpose and move with them.

It will help your journey a whole lot.

I surrounded myself with some folks with a different mindset entirely, and all they did was to talk down on what I had in mind.

There was no much motivation to push.

Bad Investments

I had lost lots of money on different occasions via bad investments. It had been so disastrous.

I took some investment decisions without thorough investigation and study of the investment opportunities. The money went into thin air, including those I introduced to the system.

This had been one of the biggest mistakes of my life, because my integrity is at stake in this. Those that invested, did that because of me. But their hope were dashed.

Lost Good Relationships

Before now, I had not been too good in maintaining long relationships. Except for those that attends same church with me.

Recently, I took appraisal and I realized that I had come in contact with lots of good people who would have been of great help in some areas of my life now.

But I allowed the relationships to slide and end without a meaningful result from it. The relationship had died down and recovering them is not easily possible right now.

Do you think it is your past mistakes that are affecting your growth in life?

To an extent, our current state of life is as a result of the past decisions, steps, successes and mistakes we had made in the time past.

But then even at that, it doesn't determine where we are heading to. Only if we can learn the lessons attached to them and move forward.

For me, my growth is dependent on the steps I take today not my past mistakes.

I make sure I don't get myself limited because of the previous mistakes. I try to move forward and get myself advanced to the next level of life.

Learn all I need to learn and take actions I need to take and move forward.

Do you always blame people or yourself for making mistakes, as no one can be perfect?

I don't blame people because of my mistakes. I blame myself instead.

Because I wasn't forced to make those mistakes, I made them willfully with my eyes open. If I declined in any way, nobody was gonna kill or jail me. But I willfully gave in to the offers and decisions, so I blame myself all the time.

Share some tips for overcoming mistakes, both physically and virtually.

For one to overcome mistakes, there are a couple of tips to be applied in our everyday life and activities.

Remove Emotions and Sentiments When Taking Decisions

One of the ways to help one not to make mistakes is to remove emotions and sentiments in any decision taking.

Be it investment, relationship and any other kind of decision, let emotions play last. Be conscious of the final outcome of the steps you want to take.

Apply wisdom in everything, don't do things to please people.

Pray Before Taking Some Definite Decisions

Pray and allow God to lead you in your decision takings. Don't just take decisions with your mind.

When we pray and ask God for direction, he will definitely give us directions.

Though the problem with most of us is that we are impatient enough to wait and hear God talk to us concerning a particular area of our life we are planning to venture into.

Secondly, even when God is speaking some of us ignores the voice and do our own thing. Then when the whole stuff becomes a mess, we start saying "One voice told me not to do it".

But then that was the voice of God in our inner man. When we ignore it, we will definitely make mistakes.

Do Proper Research Of The Decision You Want To Take

Don't just hear about an investment opportunity and pump in your money, make a detailed research and study about it.

In everything you want to do, take your time make researches, ask questions. Google, go to youtube, ask experienced people ahead of you.

Take your time, don't always be in a haste in taking any decisions.

These and more are some of the tips that if implemented, you will avoid mistakes.

I also invite some of my friends @steemdoctor1, @thomisin and @ruthgold to come participate in this contest.

Best regards

 last year 

It's good that you realised your mistakes earlier and move on with your life. I am sure everyone of us most have making mistakes. Good luck to you.

 last year 
Thank you, @talktofaith participating in the contest in the Steem4Nigeria community today. We have accessed your article and we present the result of the assessment below.

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  • Reviews:

Doing proper research helps us to evict some life mistakes. Just like you said taking time to study things before rushing into it helps too. Goodluck dear friend.

You are correct. Wrong relationships can make your journey in life too far to your destination.

I have also lost a lot on different platforms which has caused my down fall but thank God i have realized myself.

The facts remains that; whenever a new platform comes up, we introduced them to people whom had trusted us from time past and when the platform zoom out, the blame will be on you who had introduce it to them! Thereby destroying that good relationship built overtime.

Thanks for sharing your mistakes and i have also learn from it.

Kindly find mine on my blog and drop your comment. Thanks.

 last year 

I love the fact that you don't blame others for your mistakes.

Also, I concur with you on the fact that our present state is as a result of our past errors,and mistakes in life. There are some life mistakes which may not be correctable. We should all be careful in whatever decision we make in life.

Yes ooooo
So many past mistakes can't be corrected.
But then, we really need to be conscious of the decisions we make on daily basis.
So many persons has ruined their lives due to mistakes.
Thanks for visiting friend.

 last year 

It is very true we should not be emotional when ever we choose to take decisions. Prayers is also key and paying attention to the small still voice which is the voice of God. I wish t you success in this contest.

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