My Lifestyle Content Choices WK5 : My Food Diary

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)


Hello friends, is a pleasure posting here again in this community. I love participating in contests like this that's why I will never stop thanking @ngoenyi for organizing this contest, she's doing great, thanks again ma.



This is a fruit known as banana, is a very nice fruit and I ate it on Sunday as I came back from church, I couldn't wait for the soup my mum was preparing because I was going to see someone in a far place for something important and I was late.

I ate 8 bananas with groundnut that afternoon and I really enjoyed it. My siblings also ate two each because they were going to eat Garri and soup. After eating the banana and groundnut, I left immediately and board a taxi.


I didn't buy the banana, my dad plants banana in our compound and this particular one is riped that's why we ate it. It's something like NGN800 which will be like 10 Steem.


I ate rice and stew on Monday afternoon, I didn't go to school that day, I was just in the house playing games with my elder brother phone, I really enjoyed the games, that will be a topic for another day.


The meal was prepared by my mum and I also assisted her in cooking the meal. The stew has alot of quality and I enjoyed it alot.


Water, rice, pepper, tomatoes, salt, onions, groundnut oil and others.


Probably NGN300 which is 4 steem.



Porridge has always been one of my favorite food and this particular one is plantain porridge. My mum also prepared it for us and my brother and I weren't back home yet so my mum preserved our meal in a food flask so that it won't be cold because she doesn't want to turn on the stove again that night.


Yam, beans, palm oil, water, salt and others.


Is NGN350 which is 4 steem.


On Tuesday morning I was so hungry that I refused to eat the bread and tea that we always eat in the morning, so I took some money from my bag and went out to buy indomie and egg.


I cooked the meal myself and fried the egg. My siblings were looking at me as I was enjoying my meal, they were lamenting that I eat too much that's why am almost taller than my elder brother, am sure I will be taller than him before next year 😁😁. I shared the remaining indomie with my youngest sister Monica.


I don't have much to say here by all I can say is that eating good meals and fruits is very important for a healthy growth. Thanks for reading.

5% to @steem4nigeria

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