Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)| S12W3- "Security Matters"

in Steem4Nigeria10 months ago
Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. This is me @shahid2030 from Pakistan and you are here reading my post. You all are welcome here from the core of my heart.

Introduction to the topic

This is my participation in a contest Security Matters organized in Steem4Nigeria by @steem4nigeria.


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Safety and security is prior thing in one's life. It's the fundamental right of each and every human being. You can enjoy the beauty of life when you are free from any harm or insecurity in life. People always give priority to those countries where there are more law and order delivery. It's because they know the real meaning in life is when you are a free man. You have no security threat. You can move freely, talk freely etc.

In your own words what do you understand by the word security


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Security mean the safety of someone, his family, property and all his belongings. Security is also giving protection to the right of every citizens. It is the duty of state to give it's citizens full security.

Security means, for an instance I am living in a city, and I don't have any fear of robbers or snatchers, and I can go outside freely without any tension, any security risk, any fear of being robbed. Infact I am free of all harms, threats and warnings.

Security can be both on minor level and broader level. On minor level, it means the security of an individual, and on broader level it indicate the security of a community, or a country, which we call national security, we have the security of economy, cyber security, environmental security and many other forms. So this term depends on the context in which you are using it.

In your country, in what ways has the government been able to keep the citizens safe?


The state of Pakistan is trying it's best to keep the citizens safe and sound. Recently we have passed through a deadly and bloody civil war which cost us too many important lives. This was the toughest time in the entire history of Pakistan. So AlhamduLillah My country is now out of that situation and for a country the safety of it's citizens is the prior thing.

The state doesn't want to lose, what he has achieved through lives of people and want to keep peaceful and harmonious situation. The safety and security of the country is far above than anything other thing.

For the national security, our Pak Army has sacrificed alot. The police is performing their duties very well. Pakistan has one of the best and most experienced police and they can do too many things if they are allowed.

Personally, what do you do for yourself or your family to be safe in your town or country?

Self defense and security is too much important. An individual must have take care of it. We are living in a town, which is the most advance one in the entire region of KP province. Here the security is tight, but still street crime is very common here. I don't know what could be it's reason.

For our security purpose, we have made fance around our house. We have a three apartment house, only the entrance needs to be fanced, all the other sides are being locked. We have house at our back, at left side too, and at right an empty plot, but their is a a three apartment wall. So only the front side has an issue and we have already installed a fance here. AlhamduLillah our house is safe of any danger.

Second our father told us not to go outside home without any cause late at night. He strictly informed us. In next street to us a new car has been stealed. So very late at night we try to avoid going outside.

Have you experienced or heard of any case of insecurity (robbery or kidnap)? What happened?


I didn't have experienced any such case. Yeah I have lost too many mobile phones in my life, but ofcourse that was neither robbery, nor stealing. It was my own fault all the times.

We have experienced a robbery case some years before. It was in our cousin's family. The robbers, enter into one of my cousin's room, they took the whole box with them. It had their clothes and some in it. Luckily the jeweleries and other expensive goods were not in it. It has less money, I think something 10k.

Since then they are too much alert too. They have pistol with them for their safety now. AlhamduLillah not another such case has been done do far.

What do you think is the best way to keep a home secure?


Their are many ways you can keep your home safe and secure. I think it depends upon the situation. The best way is to keep a dog for your safety if you are living in Villages. That what most of the people do. Dogs are very much active and they don't allow outsiders to enter your house at night.

If in city, you can keep a security guard. Where I am living, this thing is very common. Those who have big houses, have made a separate room for the security guard at the entrance of their houses. It's the best way to keep your house safe from any unpleasant incident to happen.

Dancing is also a good option too. We have done it in our house. The only way you can enter our house is the front door, and that is fanced with iron frame. Just above the door we have installed that frame. So now no one can plunk the door and enter our house.


So I think these things can help you the best to keep your house safe and prevent your family from any tragic situation to come up with.

This is all about my blog for today, hope you guys have enjoyed reading it. See you soon with a new amazing and interesting topic, till take care.

I would like to invite @janemorane @irlandakarina @katherine012 @suboohi @steemdoctor1 @aaliarubab to participate in this beautiful contest. THANK You

Your presence here means alot
Thanks for being here

Regard shahid2030



Security mean the safety of someone, his family, property and all his belongings. Security is also giving protection to the right of every citizens. It is the duty of state to give it's citizens full security. All the best to win the contest.

Thanks dear for being here. Love and respect for you.

 10 months ago 

Hello @shahid2030
Thank you for the effort you have put in to make this entry in our community but I can not verify your entry as you are currently on power down.

It's okay dear no problem.

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