Contest: The Root of All Evils

in Steem4Nigeria4 months ago

Complement of the day my Steemian family, am glad that we all witnessed today and I pray we all experience growth in God's protection, today's contest theme is very useful in our everyday life. I appreciate @sahmie for bringing it to our notice.


Do you think money is the root of all evil, or do you think it's more about how people use money that can lead to bad things happening?

Absolutely No, money is not the root of all evil, what I can say about money is that it has the power to change one's life positively or negatively or it is just like a spirit that sometimes dictates our behaviors because of the love we have for it. So money changing you negatively is what makes it evil.

Even the Bible in the book of 1 Timothy 6:10 says that it is the love of money that is the root of all kinds of evil, because the craving to have it has made many wander from the faith, and pierced themselves with many griefs. The Bible talks of the love, not the one itself.

People making money in the right way and using it in the right way are free from this evil of a thing.

Can you think of any examples where money has done some good, like helping people in need or supporting good causes?


Yes, there are so many examples where money helps people achieve their good dreams. For example, me reading and writing today is because of money, my parents used money to train me in school to know how to read and write, and the school shaped my life into who I am today.

Every day we go to work in search of money to help feed ourselves, our household, and then neighbors. We can see how the rich are helping the poor through charity.

We know God is in control of everything but he still gives us money to help us survive, money helps us to maintain our health status by going to a good hospital for treatment.

How do you personally see money in your own life? Do you think of it as a tool to achieve your goals and create opportunities, or do you have a different way of looking at it?


Money is a tool to achieve my goal and create many opportunities, the saying that money makes the rules and other things follow is true to me. Without money nobody would see you with respect but when you have money people respect you which will lead to more opportunities that will help you achieve your goals.

Money helped me buy a phone that enables me to be on this platform and being on this platform where I made special people is a dream come true, some people know how to read and write better than me, but did not have the opportunity to be in this platform because they can not afford to buy a big phone.

So money is very important in our everyday life, indeed it is a tool that opens opportunities in life and that is why the rich keep getting rich because they have opportunities more.

Have you ever seen situations where people doing anything for money caused problems or made things unfair?

Yes, I have seen where a female friend of mine who is looking for work had to give herself to be used before she was employed, and she ended up getting pregnant. It was not her plan but the craving to get money.

I want to invite @ vickyson, @josepha, and @hanny-dave to join this contest.

 4 months ago (edited)

Hi @samuelernest, It's clear that you don't see money as inherently evil, highlighting its potential to influence lives positively or negatively. Your connection between money and personal growth, education, and healthcare is relatable. The story about your friend underscores the challenges some face for financial stability. I like the fact that you made mention of God giving us this money for our well-being, A well-expressed perspective on the role of money in shaping opportunities.
Wishing you success on your entry


Hi @samuelernest money is definitely not the root of evil. Your view on the importance of money on our everyday life is a very crucial thing which we all know. Am so sorry about your friend who got used before she was employed because of money . Best luck in the contest


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Curated by : @josepha?
 4 months ago 

Estimada amiga. Me gusta que invoques la Biblia para señlar tu criterio respecto ala dinero. Y si, ciertamente el dinero va a depender de las personas y como lo usen. Es una herramienta que puede ser positivos o negativo. Bendiciónes y Éxitos para ti

 4 months ago 

I'm sorry your friend had to experience such, beautiful experience and entry, I found it very rich. All the best in the comtest

 4 months ago 

Hello dear friend, Like you, I also believe that money is not the root of all evil. You are right in saying that the love of money can lead many people astray from their faith. And while expressing your views on this post, you explained it through the Bible line. This is very amazing .I enjoyed reading your post . Good luck with the contest

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