Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)| S12W1- "Finance and Me"

in Steem4Nigeria11 months ago
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Hello friends..

It's good to see my beautiful community up for this season's engagement challenge. Kicking off with an amazing topic on finance!

How do you view finance

Finance from my view point speaks of money, assets, investments and how to manage and spend it wisely.

Finance has been a major problem for so many people including myself for such a long time. The world is what it is today because of finance.

I don't think anyone can avoid the matter of finance because concerns all human life here on earth. You can buy without money, you can't do anything worthy of note without money. So you see that it's important.

Money is a uniting factor, it brings people of different race and religion together. Any one who can not handle finance can not be wealthy. Now this is where a good manager of finance comes in.

There are men and women out there who has great idea and dreams but they do not have the finance to bring it to pass, so you see how powerful finance can be.

Do you have all you need or are you facing difficulties,What are you not able to accomplish due to finance Mention 3 of them

Oh no I don't have all I need, I know am not the only one in this category. There are so many things I wish I could take care of but I have one limitation and that is money to do it.

Am presently facing some financial difficulties, especially now that the economy of my country Nigeria is not doing so well. The prices of things keeps going up and not planning on coming down.

Transportation is now more expensive. Can you imagine that before traveling by land from the city of Lagos where I live to the eastern part of Nigeria, say imo state was about 5000 naira which is 50 steem. From that price, it moved to 10000 naira which is 100 steem and as at today the price is now 27,000 naira which is 270 steem.

While by air transportation from Lagos to the east cost nothing less than 75,000 naira which is 750 steem can you imagine that?. Now I have to be forced to travel by land even though it's not even expensive. It takes approximately 14 hours by land to get to my destination. This is one of the difficulties I am facing presently.

Feeding this days is also not easy because the cost of food items has also gone high, 3 square meals seem difficult now. But am managing and trying to keep up.

Should I talk about the price of accommodation in the city where I live? I don't think you want to know. You would see 10 men living in a one room apartment just to survive because they can't pay accommodation bills.

The three things am not able to accomplish

  • My visa processing: I want to travel out of my country to another country in search of a better life. But am not able to get it done because of finance. This will cost nothing less than 10 million naira which is 100,000 steem

  • I want to get a new laptop : this will enable me work better online. But I can't get this done because I lack the finance needed for it. A good laptop now the last time I checked cost about 200,000 naira and above, 2000 steem

  • A better accommodation in a better location : The location I live presently is prone to flooding. just with little raining, every where becomes flooded. You can't even come out of your house to go anywhere because the streets is blocked with water this is why I must move out but there is no find for it.

What can you do to be able to wisely manage what you have in the meantime?

For now one of the things I do to manage the little finance I have is to cut down on my spending, I only buy what is so pressing to me. There are times I feel like going out, shopping, eating out, seeing movies and so on but I won't because it's not a need, i just let those feeling go.


Another way I try to manage is through savings. I was practically forced to start saving some portions of my money from the cut down I do on my spending. I send the money to a trusted friend to save for me because if I keep it myself I will spend it. She has been doing a good job for me.


The last way I try to manage what I have for now is through profitable investment. In the past I have invested wrongly, doing ponzi and so on

Who do you run to for help in times of financial need?

The first thing that comes to my mind when I have a financial need that I can't solve is to go to God in prayers. His words never fall to the ground so I always hold him by his words.

I pray and pray until he either sends the money by laying it as a burden in the heart of people to give me money or directs me on the particular person or person's to call so that they can help me.

Aside these method, I don't have any one I run to for financial help because I don't feel comfortable borrowing money from people or going about telling people of how difficult things are for me.

I always feel the person I want to go to for help might have his own issues he or she is struggling with so I should not bother them with mine, this is one of the reasons I prefer to pray about all my problems.

I invite my friends @sahmie @ninapenda @pandora2010


Odugwu nwanyi, seems we are one in term of keeping our problems to ourselves, I don't like asking people for help because of exactly what you said. Secondly, my dear things are very rough in our country traveling out seems to be the way out,May God help us.

Having money is one thing and managing it is another which makes finance a vital tools for management of our resources. Nice post friend. Good luck to you.

Hola amiga, mantener las finanzas es todo un reto. Vemos difíciles poder hacer tantas cosas cuando tenemos otras necesidades. Te entiendo mucho ya que en mi país las cosas están difíciles también.

Ojalá puedas mudarte y estar en una zona que no se inunde. También que puedas comprarte el computador que tanto desea.

Te mando un abrazo..Te deseo éxito en el desafío 🙏

 11 months ago 

Thank you for the beautiful hugs

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