SEC S15W3 : "Growing up in a Rural or Urban Area"

in Steem4Nigeria8 months ago

edit by picsart

Hi all stemian friends, it's great to be back again to take part in this week's attention-grabbing Challenge contest with a very good theme about "Growing in Rural or Urban Areas"

Before continuing I want to invite my friends

Have fun friends 🎊💫.

👉Distinguish between urban and rural areas by stating three main characteristics


Rural and urban areas have many differences and also have similarities in interdependence and mutual need.

A village is a place or residential area that is greatly influenced by the condition of the land, climate and water because all of these are tools or provisions for achieving a prosperous life because the average village population is in the agricultural sector (agriculture, plantations and animal husbandry).

Meanwhile, a city is an area occupied by a dense, multi-ethnic population and a heterogeneous and materialistic economic situation.

The difference between rural and urban areas can be characterized by:

  • environment
    The environmental conditions in the village are very comfortable and are still in contact with the outdoors and are dominated by green open spaces or places.
    Meanwhile, we can see environmental conditions in the city from the many and tall buildings, air pollution and noise.

  • Resident
    The second most prominent difference is population density, it is clearly visible that in villages the population is relatively small compared to cities which have a dense population from various corners because this number influences job expectations and opportunities in cities to a greater extent than in villages (urbanization ).

  • economic sector
    The economic system in the village is only related to people's livelihoods which only consist of the agricultural sector or are only based on natural resources and only work as farmers.

Meanwhile, the economic system in urban areas consists mostly of the industrial and service sectors.

👉Where did you grow up and why?


The village is where I was born and raised with my family who have lived in the area for generations from our ancestors.

I like living in the village because I really enjoy it for obvious reasons, here I get peace and the scope of a clean living environment that is not polluted by pollution and of course the style of life in the village reflects the values ​​and ethics that can be used as guidelines. Apart from that, in the design there are no social classes that will differentiate one individual from another.

👉If you were told to go to an area where you didn't grow up, would you?


I feel that is not a problem. I would be happy to be in that place because we can gain experience and of course adaptation to a new environment is needed.

Because adaptation helps us to face new environments with changing social conditions in order to survive to achieve goals and needs.

Before getting married, I lived in the city for 2 years, I got a job there, I was happy because there I felt well accepted and easy to adapt.

👉What are some things that exist in the area where you grew up that don't exist in other areas?


Of course there are differences. The first thing that is most striking is lifestyle. In the city, a free lifestyle and socializing with people of different genders is something we usually see, which is different from in villages where there are restrictions when making friends with people of other genders.

People in cities lack socialization and interaction with each other because they are busy with their routines and work, in contrast to those in villages, people are very caring and have high social feelings such as mutual cooperation and mutual respect for each other. But that doesn't mean that in the city there is no sense of social concern, it exists in a lower sense than in the village.

And the most important thing is the environment. The environment in the village is cleaner from air and vehicle pollution, more natural, beautiful and of course open space dominated by green trees. Meanwhile, in cities, the level of environmental cleanliness is polluted by air pollution and hot temperatures due to the greenhouse effect and the lack of trees.

Villages and cities actually have their own advantages and disadvantages, it all depends on how we live and evaluate them in terms of positive values ​​and of course each place has its own plus points.



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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 8 months ago 

Saludos @rumaisha

Me encanta la actitud que muestras de adaptarse ante las circunstancias así soy yo,no me preocupo si estoy en el campo o una metrópolis puedo estar sin stress.

Aunque prefiero estar donde estoy en una zona rural rodeada de árboles 0 contaminación de cualquier tipo.
Pero por acá no es un problema socializar con otros a lo mejor es porque no es campo adentro, es un poco más moderno.

Te deseo lo mejor, éxitos 💕

Está fue mi participación si gustas leerla 😉

 8 months ago 

Terima kasih teman atas komentar baik anda, saya menghargainya. 💫

I agree with you that in cities, socialization is very low. This is because most people and big gates around their houses and this calls for socialization setbacks.

 8 months ago 

Benar teman salah satu perbedaan antara kota dan desa adalah kurangnya sosialisasi, masyarakat di kota sibuk akan aktifitas dan pekerjaan mereka.

Terima kasih sudah mampir dan berkomentar yang positif di sini. 💫


 8 months ago 

Hello, hope your day is going well.You are right that Living in a village is so peaceful with clean surroundings while cities offer busier lifestyles and job opportunities. Adapting to new environments is natural for us humans who has experienced both city and village life,each place has its unique charm and challenges., really enjoyed reading your blog wish you success 💖😊.

 8 months ago 

Terima kasih teman atas komentar baik anda saya menghargainya. Memang benar desa dan kota sama-sama mempunyai daya tarik tersendiri, keduanya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan jika kita mampu beradaptasi di manapun berarti kita mampu menyesuaikan diri kita dengan lingkungan.

Sukses teman...

 8 months ago 

Hello dear, I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life.From your post it came to light that you live in a village. During your studies, you stayed in the city for 2 years and also worked there. You have the quality of adopting nature. Both rural and urban areas are important for human life.
I enjoyed reading your post. Wish you good may you always achieve whatever you aim for yourself in life and make the best journey .Greetings from me Have a beautiful.

 8 months ago 

Terima kasih teman atas kunjungan dan komentar baik anda.

Benar seperti yang Anda katakan saya memang tinggal di pedesaan yang lingkungan hidupnya lebih nyaman dan tentram jauh dari kebisingan dan polusi.

Terima kasih atas doa anda, semoga kita bisa sukses bersama-sama dan mendapatkan keberuntungan 🎊🤗.

 8 months ago 

Greetings here...
Wow, this is one of the best articles I've ever come through in this particular contest. You've said everything accordingly and also taken time to expanciate on those headings.
Living in the royal and urban areas has both advantages and disadvantages. In the two areas there are so many lessons and things to learn from them, so it will be of great gain if one have the opportunities of residing in both places periodically.
Blessings to you....

 8 months ago 

Thank you friend for your time and nice comment, I appreciate it.

We wish you success and blessings too.

 8 months ago 

Saludos amiga, muy buena publicación. Me alegre que te guste la zona rural en donde vives y tengaa una gran capacidad de adaptación en la ciudad. Ambas zonas tienen sus ventajas y las zonas rurales ganan en la tranquilidad, ambiente limpio y personas más sociables. Bendiciones y éxitos en el concurso!

 8 months ago 

Iya teman pedesaan adalah tempat yang damai dan tenang jauh dari kebisingan dan tentunya ruang terbuka dan didominasi oleh pepohonan dan tanaman hijau.

Terima kasih semoga sukses 👍

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