Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC)| S12W2- "Self Motivation" by @rossnenye

in Steem4Nigeria10 months ago
Hello everyone, good morning to you all. Hope you all had a wonderful night rest? Welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be participating in a contest "Self Motivation organized by @steem4Nigeria.


What is Self Motivation?
Self Motivation can be defined as the act of encouraging ourselves to keep thriving, even when the road is tough.

What do you think causes people to lose their motivation in life?

So many things usually makes people to lose their motivation in life, some of them includes.

Lost of a beloved one
Death of a loved one is usually very painful. Most people find it very hard to cope after the death of their dear one.

Most people usually give up and lose motivation when they try a particular thing so many times and they keep failing.

Setbacks in business is another major thing that causes lack of motivation, especially when the person in question invested his or her life savings in the business.

Depression usually causes frustration, anger and equally cause lost of motivation.

Have you been discouraged or depressed before? How did you handle it?

I wouldn't say have been depressed before, but have been discouraged so many time. My project work is a group work, and my Supervisor divided us into three groups and the people In my group are not serious. I have reported them several times to my Supervisor but still they don't come to the lab. I was discouraged at first but currently, have been doing the practicals alone and everything is going fine I'm almost done with the lab work and paper work.

When ever I lose motivation, I usually talk to someone, pray to God and encourage myself because I'm my biggest fan.

Is self-motivation a good practice? Explain
Self motivation is an amazing practice, it is a driving force which keeps us going even when we are not seeing results in what we are doing.

On Steemit what keeps you motivated?

A lot of things keeps me motivated in Steemit.

The rewards, I can comfortable afford some certain things because of the rewards.

Meeting new people,
I have met so many amazing people here on Steem.

Building my passion
Steem has also helped me to build my passion which is writing.

Thanks for reading through, I invite @afofem, @knaus and @ukpono to participate in this contest.


Thank you for the invite, Rossnenye. I did send in mine earlier here. You can check it out too.

Going ahead to complete your project despite the nonchalant behaviour of you colleagues is wise of you. This is one of the things students face in University.

I have experienced this as well. What I do is to become to group leader automatically and complete the task myself —with or without their help.

My CGPA is no joke to anyone.

Success all the way. But I'm curious though.... What school do you attend?

Thanks for your comment, I attend University of Nigeria Nsukka.

 10 months ago 

Aunque muchas cosas puedan desanimarnos, la practica de la automotivacion es una herramienta idonea de desarrollo personal. En steemit nos sobran razones para mantenernos motivados, la gente maravillosa que conocemos entre ellas. Saludos y exitos.

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