Life after School; Navigating Life as a Fresh Graduate by @rossnenye

in Steem4Nigeria16 days ago
Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Back then in the University, some of my Lecturers would always tell us to have a side hustle as a student some of us took it seriously while some focused on there academics because they didn't want anything to jeopardize their grades.


Life hasn't been easy since graduation but I have been surviving due to the little business I was able to build while in school. On several occasions, I went to job hunt in order to get something doing while waiting for my school Senate to release our graduation list, in order to enable me register for the compulsory 1 year Youth Service Program. Guess what, all the job offers I got at the moment weren't favourable. After subtracting my Transportation and feeding money from the salary most of them offered to pay me they was nothing to take home.

Tips for navigating life as a fresh graduate


Some tips for surviving life after school includes.

  • Be prepared to hustle

The job market is quite competitive so any legit thing you're doing to survive give it your best shot. Don't look down on any work as long as it's paying your bills.

  • Learn to network

Network with people, attend events, network with people in your industry. Learn to build long lasting relationships with people, some of the people we meet would be our destiny helpers.

  • Learn Tech skills

Tech is the new oil money now and they're varieties of them. Look for the one you're good at and venture into it.

  • Be flexible

Be open to different job opportunities, don't be idle.

  • Learn continuously

Always stay updates on new skills and upgrade yourself.

  • Be positive

Always stay positive.

  • Prayer

Of course our lives isn't complete without praying to God, always seek the face of God before anything you do.

Finally, remember that things won't just work out once, always remember to take it one step at a time. Life after school isn't a bed of roses but don't give up keep pushing.

Thanks for reading through my post.



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