Health diarygame|| How I care about myself today 18|01|2022 by @rossnenye

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago (edited)
Hello everyone, beautiful morning to you all. Hope you all slept well? Health is wealth. There is nothing as important as health. If you think that health is not a great gift then go to the hospital and see how much people pay to be healthy. Today, I will be participating in a health diary organized by @eliany

Tell us as a diary how you care for your health on dialy basis example how you care for your hair,oral health, hygiene, healthy meals and drinks, exercise to keep fit, cleaning of environment and other things that will help you to stay strong and healthy

Hair care
Currently, my hair is braided what I do daily is to apply hair cream on it to avoid breakage.


Orah Health
I brush my teeth twice in a day in the morning and the night with a good toothbrush and toothpaste that contains sodium fluoride which is good for the teeth. I also try as much as possible to change my toothbrush very 3months.

I always bath twice in a day.

I make use of good antiperspirant and oil perfume to smell nice.
My oil perfume
My antiperspirant
I also make use of good body soap and cream. Any time I'm changing my cream and soap I always make sure to check out if it contains bleaching agents because most of these bleaching cream causes cancer and liver failure.



I also make use of Dr Rashel Vitamin C face serum because it is good for the face.


I also sleep in a well treated mosquito because of mosquito.

Healthy meals and drinks.
I eat healthy daily by including fruits and vegetables in my meals.

I always take plenty of water to remain hydrated.

I also reduces my intake of carbonated drinks.

Exercise to keep fit.
I don't really exercise alot, but I trek very well and trekking is part of exercise.

I clean my house and surrounding everyday. I also clear buses around me in order to prevent the breed of mosquitoes.

Tell us what you benefit from caring for your health?

I'm always healthy and happy because a healthy man is a happy man.

Thanks for reading through, I invite
@ann28, @jal08 and @curx to participate in this contest.


So nice your todays healthdairy

 2 years ago 

Wow thank you for your wonderful entry I've learn a lot from your healthy diary

 2 years ago 


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