Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 44: My Experience with an Angel

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago

Good day Beloves Steemians


Am so excited to participate in this great contest which is being host by this amiable Community. MY regards to them for crafting out such an amazing and interesting contest so far. Well, below I will be Deliberating more on this topic and belive me it will be more interesting and educating. Let's goo.

Do you believe in the Existence of angels?

Yes of course, I do believe in the Existence of angels. As a believer, and according to the scripture reading it is being recorded that Angel do exist and also gave countless times the existed. Well, angels are real and the do exist, According to the scripture and some prove I have on hand, it is being recorded that an Angel appeared to our mother Mary, to Saul, and to many others, this really shows that Angel are In existence and function in twi dimensions either to avenge or to guide, protect and provide.

Well, Angel comes in different forms either in human form or through spiritual appearance. We Christan strongly believe on the existence of angels, and have also seen countless times the appeared to different people According to the Bible.

Do you think Human beings around can also be the angel sent you? Support your yes/No with your point.

Well, I also do believe that human being can also be an Angel, According to the above paragraph, I stated that angel exist in two firm either in human form or through spiritual appearance. Well, Human being can also stand to be an Angel, According to the scripture it is being written that the Lord will never come from above to deliver or help us , that he will do such through human around us.


Indeed, we humans are Angels to many others because God only help or lift a man through the connection of able men around us. Angels are said to be a being that stand to protect, provide and also fight for us and this can only take place through our fellow human being. God only provide and protect us through our fellow human being and when such happens they are said to be an Angel send from above.

Share with us your encounter with the person (angel) that helped you in your challenging phase.

Indeed each and everyone of us Normally have a challenging phase in life, and God can only solve such situations through our fellow human being who are capable for such situations. Well, I have this challenge phase earlier this week that such he on Monday which was my birthday. This happened when I was going to market to by some clothes and shoes for myself as to celebrate myself, I was with my Android phone and also.some huge amount of money my mom gave me to buy some goods for her in the market.

Well, she gave me about 46 thousand naira to by some good for her, which includes, biscuits drinks, Pampers and many more. I took this money along with mine and my Android phone. As I entered a vehicle which took me market I came down and paid him from the Money I was holding in my other hands not knowing that both my Android phone, all the money my mother gave me and budgeted Money inside the vehicle. In reaching to the market I noticed that I have misplaced all I had and my heart started beating so hard.


Well, I started crying bitterly. People was looking at me and no one to help, but thank God a man whom I didn't know at anywhere came to be ask me was the problem I explained to him, indeed he was a rich man, man ad he only supported be with that 46 thousand Narie and ask me to take it and buy the good my mom demand and hope on the vehicle driver to return the others. Well it wasn't fully assured that the vehicle driver will return all the lost items. So I finally thank God for providing such an Angel on that faithful day. I bought all the goods and hope that the vehicle man will return all the lost item

On my way back home, I was discussing this with a different driver on how I lost all this item in a vehicle, I also Describe how the vehicle was and also the number. While discussing with him, he assured me that he know the other driver and he took me to his house we collected his number from his wife and we started calling him, he wasn't picking for some time, but at a point he pick the call, and finally return both the money, my lost Android phone and also my budgeted money. I was so happy and I thank God for providing thus two angel in my life on this faithful day.

Do you think you can also be that Angel your world needs in a time like this?

Yes of course I also believe that I can also be an Angel in a time like this. Well this world is really tuning into something else, things are no longer as the way it should be, Especially the youthful age are going into the darkness of the world and falling victim of some dangerous things in life. Well in solving this issue I have at an angel by giving an some inspirational words, preaching the gospel to them in other to stop them from inventing into this dangerous areas in life. I always make sure that my words always stand to change life and also make people repent from there evils ways in other to inherit the kingdom of God.


I have also stand to recruit many youths into this great platform, in other to make there life more useful than allowing them misused there life and inventory Into things that can destroy their lives totally. I believe that steemit is a place were youths can grow massively, and also impact more knowledge to themselves and finally generate income, so in this way am also said to be an angel to them, by making their life more useful..


Thanks for your visitation I really appreciate 🙇, Am inviting @okere-blessing @saintkelvin17 @josepha


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