Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 35: Dealing with Emotions

in Steem4Nigeria7 months ago (edited)


Good day ladies and gentlemen.

You all are recommended to RICHARD'S BLOG which I believe you all will love going through it. Well at the same hand I will also love to send my regards to @steem4nigeria for hosting such an amazing contest which I definitely believe that all will move as drafted. Well I so much love this topic which says DEALING WITH EMOTIONS and below will be in full details. Let's go......

What is your understanding of emotions?

Well, According to my own understanding, emotions deals with feelings and affection for something or someone. Emotions really emphasis on strong feeling which may include love or anger, sadness and happiness and also sorrows and depression. As humans we generate feeling in every moment of our life and that feelings generated at the particular moment is said to be emotions. That's why as humans we should learn how to control our emotions especially when reacting to something or someone.


When dealing with our emotions, As humans we should also learn how to control it because emotions is really a strong affection that can lead you to a dangerous destination at the moment. Emotions seems to be like a spirit that guide ones souls and as humans we should also learn how to control it because over reaction and affection might lead us into dangerous moment that we will definitely regret in return. When emphasis on control our emotions it seems to be having full guide over ones anger, happiness and also depression

Have you ever had emotions that made you lose yourself? tell us about it.

Indeed, now I know that emotions should be controlled no matter what. I had an emotion few days that really made me to run mad. Indeed it was not easy to uphold the pains and agony and I regretted the action that I later took. Well this was when my younger brother misplaced about 50k which I send him to go to the near by POS management and transfer the money accout. Well that early morning I gave him thus money in order believing that he will definitely carry out this task perfectly not knowing that he will misplace this money.


Well, after giving this money to him, I then went to work and then waited to see the alerts. I stayed for some hours without seeing any credit so I have to endure it still evening, believing that I will definitely get back home. Well in reaching at the house that message I received was that my younger brother mistakely misplaced that money, this made me loose myself and I became Totally angry about this, I was angry which lead me beating up my younger brother with so much anger and depression, well I later regretted this decision of beating him up, although it wasn't his fault but I can't control my emotions at that moment. And the worst part was that after him receiving the beating from me we fall into a serious sickness.

Explain 5 ways to deal with emotions.

Well according to my understanding, below are some special ways we can consider especially when dealing with our emotions.

  • The First step we should consider is to identify that particular Emotion. After you are don't identifying the emotions, you can now consider the second step which is to

  • Being Aware of the kind of fellings you generate from such emotions

  • Then you can now stay consistent and figure out what really cause that fellings

  • At this point you shouldn't place any blame on what cause the feelings

  • then you accept all the emotion and naturally understand it.

  • Then after accepting the emotion you should now take some certain action which is thinking or leaning on how to change your emotions to a better condition

  • Finally build a good and positive emotions that will definitely help your life

Do you think emotions could hinder someone from achieving their dreams


Indeed emotions are also dangerous that when not properly controlled it will really damage your image to the world. Yes I agreed that emotions can hinder someone from achieving their goals and dreams, because emotions is something that makes one to react faster then regret it's action whenever that particular person comes back to his or her senses. For example a worker being provoke by his or her boss, I really you don't control your emotions you can react and that particular reaction might make you loose you job totally.


Thanks for going through RICHARD'S BLOG. I hope you all enjoyed it. See you in my next blog I love you all. Am inviting @josepha @goodybest @saintkelvin17

 7 months ago 

Please always use this 3 major tags when sharing your post on Twitter #steem $steem #steemit

 7 months ago 

Hello dear
Indeed emotions are dangerous,when not controlled properly it will really damage our image to the world,I all emotions we express we need to limit then especially bad emotions.
You write well dear,your post is really good looking and interested, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience with us
Best wishes in this contest.

Your reflections on dealing with emotions hit close to home. It's a reminder of the power they hold over us. Your personal story illustrates the importance of emotional control. Well-written and insightful piece! Best of luck in the contest, Richard

 7 months ago 

For me,you do have an excellent write up and your points are clear and straight enough, good luck with the contest

 7 months ago 

Well written pal, sorry about your money, and about beating your younger brother don't be too hard on yourself emotions especially anger can get the best of us sometimes.

 7 months ago 

Absolutely. Emotions are all about our feelings and how we care about things or people. They can be really intense, like when we're in love or really angry, or they can be more subtle, like when we're feeling sad or happy. Sometimes, we might even feel a mix of different emotions all at once! As humans, we experience emotions in every moment of our lives, and they can have a big impact on how we react to situations or interact with others. That's why it's important to learn how to manage and control our emotions, especially when we're dealing with something or someone. It's all about finding that balance and understanding how our emotions can affect us. Wishing you all the best.

 7 months ago 

Then after accepting the emotion you should now take some certain action which is thinking or leaning on how to change your emotions to a better condition, I strongly agree with this, in another word, we can say, try to avoid those things that triggers the negative emotions.

Being open minded and willing to accept the truth while analysing one's emotions and reactions is a characteristic needed when dealing with emotions.

From your writeup above, one can deduce that emotion leads to reaction. Now, it is up to is to set ourselves up in a way that we are not entirely led by emotions but we lead emotions.